Oauth 2.0 IS as resource, but with a third party Authorization Server

I’m looking for help using Oauth 2.0 authentication for Rest services with IS 9.7 as the resource server, but a third party authorization server.

Our wM team is being pulled into a large Cloud Foundry project that already has existing service to service guidlines that involve Pivotal’s UAA server, and the project is asking that wM handle authentication in the same manner if possible.

I’ve followed the guidelines in the 9.7 administrator’s guide and have gotten Oauth 2.0 authorization code grant working, but only with the IS itself acting as the authorization server (I have not bothered using a remote IS, but it looks to be much the same). I need to be able to supply tokens from the Pivotal UAA server to have a win here.

Any help or advice is welcome!

– Ted