Hello Community
I am trying to explore & learn JWT configuration in webMethods IS. Looking at AG documentation, I was able to configure and generate JWT token using built-in jwt specific services.
Following is high level sequence of steps I performed:
- I configured Trusted Issuer in IS
- I mapped issuer to corresponding TrustStore , KeyStore and Certificate alias etc
- I did set Audience = “http://localhost:5555/restv2/” in Global Claim Settings section
- I generated JWT token using built-in service by specifying appropriate params
After performing above steps, I tried to invoke a REST service hosted on IS (actually a flow service exposed as REST) by using PostmanUI (specified JWT token as bearer token) and the JWT authentication took place successfully in IS.
However I am not sure how I can map a specific JWT token to any specific REST resource. For example if I have 2 different REST services hosted in IS and I want to use two different JWT tokens (one jwt token for each REST service) then how can I do that in webMethdos IS?
I know in case of OAuth token, we can achieve this by using different scopes for different services but I am not sure how we can map different JWT tokens to different REST services in IS?
Can some one in community please comment/guide me on this one? Can we map different JWT tokens to different services in IS?