Not unique Forum names

:?: Is it possible to change the forum names, that they all start with the general category and make the names unique.

It is annoying if I open “posts since last visit” to sell ALL Forums, most of them I’m not interested in.

It is even more annoying if you open View “posts since last” visit and you see:

  • Miscellaneous - for what?
  • Security - for what part of?
  • Development - for complete development?
  • Installation, Configuration and Administration - which one? - There are two of them…

Why not start each Forum with it’s general category - or add categories at the “post since last visit” page.

In general, the new forum structure does not help me as user - it bothers me and steals my time. :evil:

Certainly; I have been doing this gradually but haven’t gotten through all the forums yet :frowning:

The forums should now all have unique names.