I am trying to add IS details in MWS. But facing some issues in doing that.
When I am trying to log into MWS with Administrator user , its throwing the below error and shutting down immediately.
2012-05-25 04:18:39 BST (jsf:INFO) [RID:3] - Error executing search. Have a System Administrator verify the Integration Server settings at Administration → My webMethods → System Settings.: java.rmi.ConnectException: url = [url][/url]
So I am trying to login to MWS using SysAdmin user and add IS details under Administration → My webMethods → System Settings. Then checking the server status, its giving the below error.
2012-05-25 08:54:10 BST (jsf:INFO) [RID:15] - SystemSettings - checking server status for IS: [url][/url]
2012-05-25 08:57:19 BST (webservice:WARN) [RID:15] - java.rmi.ConnectException: url = [url][/url]
2012-05-25 08:57:19 BST (wsclient:FATAL) [RID:15] - com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy: Unable to connect to web service at [url][/url] url = [url][/url]
com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.WSClientException: Unable to connect to web service at [url][/url] url = [url][/url]
I have installed the IS & MWS in the same installation folder.
Configured Central User management-by configuring the jdbc pool
MWS SAML Resolver URL is pointing to MWS -
Even I have added Administrator to Admin Role in MWS user management.
Am I missing anything in the configuration.