I am using wM9.5,i have registered a webserivce handler and trying to add it to the webservice descriptor but while do so i am not able to find the registered handler in the list.
Any suggestions were appreciated.
Thank you,
I am using wM9.5,i have registered a webserivce handler and trying to add it to the webservice descriptor but while do so i am not able to find the registered handler in the list.
Any suggestions were appreciated.
Thank you,
Can you share the screen shots with more details about the issue?
Hi Mahesh,
Thanks for your replay.
Here the thing is i have made a handler,steps followed as below
2.And i have used pub.soap.handler:registerWmProvider for registering my provider service and give the values for the mandatory filed “descriptiveName” in the pipeline
And i am trying to add the handler to the web service descriptor(provider),but i am not able to find my registered handler in the list
Added notes here: http://tech.forums.softwareag.com/techjforum/posts/list/0/56902.page#210619
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