We are using a node iterator on a large document. The document is over 2GB in size and has about 2.5 million product line items (its a PIP2A1 from a vendor). We iterate over the line items and merely do a documentToRecord on the node returned from getNextNode. On or about the 2.25 millionth line item, the documentToRecord throws
Error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: -262144
I assume that since getNextNode returned a node, there is not problem with the element itself.
So, I’m wondering if this might be a filesize issue. Any file over 2.1GB would exceed the precision of a Java integer (right?). So, if wm is using an integer to keep track of the file position, this could be a problem, though one would have thought such a problem would surface on the getNextNode, and not the documentToRecord.
Any ideas? Has anyone processed a document greater than 2.1GB?