No target service to authorize for!

Do you have any XML related libs in tomcat/common/endorsed?



The default settings of CentraSite show this:
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program Files\CentraSite\CentraSite 2.2\Tomcat\common\endorsed

Probably, when you start CentraSite with the startup.bat file it will go an use some other endorsed folder, which has some consequences in the parsers being used.

Second important thing. After checking what you send us, we have found a problem when having WSDLPages (Application Designer specific) inside of an Application Composer project. This will be corrected.
Please, remove the wsdl page and clean your project (removing your “new2” related files). After a clean redeployment (with this I mean deleting as well the deployed bpr files of the project from the bpelruntime) you should have it working.

Kind regards,


I think (hope :slight_smile: ), the problem is solved! Thanks!

I had to add this line: „set JAVA_ENDORSED=XXX\CentraSite\CentraSite 2.1\tomcat\common\endorsed” in the File „startup.bat“ (tomcat). After deploying the Project AND a restart of Eclipse, it works.


The Folder “…\tomcat\common\endorsed” contains

  • xercesImpl.jar
  • xml-apis.jar