Can someone please tell me how to start the Integration server again on HP_UX .
[ISS.0070.0013D] Failed to start listener HTTPListener@5555. The following error was encountered: [ISS.0070.9009] Error starting to listen: Address already in use (errno:226)
[ISS.0014.0004C] No listening ports were available. Shutting down server.
how to check the why the default port 5555 is not available .
also how to start the server on another port and how to reset it to 5555 again.
Start server with -p XXXX (new port), server will start on this new port provided in construct… then you can check/configure your primary port.
Other way to run on integration server on diagnostic port, if you have any.
I tried with port 9999, but after that below error is also coming in server logs and same is happining
ISS.0070.0013D] Failed to start listener HTTPListener@9999. The following error was encountered: [ISS.0070.9009] Error starting to listen: Address already in use (errno:226)
It seems these ports are JVM bind and jvm is not releasing the ports
can some please help.
From error message, looks like the port is already in use. you can check that by running below command.
netstat -an | grep 5555
netstat -an | grep 9999
if you get output as
*.5555 Listen/Established/Close_Wait/Time_wait
then some other process is using that process.
Depending on that you should change your default port and diagnostic port in server.cnf and start the server.
Hope that helps.