New version Tamino Workbench

Here is a new version of TWB.

I have added support for ino:docname, so now you can add and modify documents with your own ino:docname.

In order to add an ino:docname you must add this attribute to the root of the element also when you create the document for the first time. Please note that you also need to add the ino namespace, otherwise the document will not be valid.

In this version I also check for the existence of the System Management Hub (SMH). If SMH is missing you will not be able to start and stop databases from TWB.

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Please be patient. The server somehow rejects my upload with the message that the message body is missing (and this is not the case).


Once more
TWB2320.exe (1.19 KB)

:slight_smile: I succeeded …

One remark. If you decide to create a new document with ino:docname then please add the ino namespace before you store the document.

I will fix this in the next release.

Why you ever would like to use ino:docname
Why would someone ever use ino:docname?? I had the same question, but it can be quite useful actually.

Using ino:docname, you can retrieve the document with the following url

http://hostname/tamino/mydb/mycoll/mydoc/instance.xml. The last part of this url (instance.xml) is the ino:docname. One of the advantages of such a request is that you get your document without the response wrapper.

This is even more interesting if you would use the HTTP HEAD request. You only have to look at the HTTP response code in order to determine the existence of a document: 200 means document is there and 404 means document not found.

If you decide to use ino:docname then please do not ever store (update) your document without docname (which has to be part of the URL, just like the request) It will namely be removed from the document.

Rudolf de Grijs


I would like to report a problem that occurs when you try to import a collection (documents/content) with ino:docname. This does not work yet.
