MWS timeout banner


Can anyone tell me where the timeout control is for the banner that drops down from the top of the webpage informing the user of a session timeout and has a login link?

On clicking this link our users are taken back to the login page but have to login twice as the first request is refused, probably because the url tries to take them back to a specific page in the app rather than the start page.



Hi Mike,

sounds strange.

Which wM version are you on?

Usually when a session times out and you relogin you will be returned to the last page you were on when the session timed out.


R u using any loadbalancer URL to access this page? Also check whether your webpage security controls. May be you need to enable few control to access this.

R u able to resolve this?

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to the bottom of this. We have load balancers controlled by another dept.

I may look into this further at another time


The default timeout for MWS main session is 30 minutes
