I am trying to install and run Bpms trial package on Windows Server 2012 R2 by using groovy script as per wiki guide. Everything works fine however MWS server is not starting (Server stuck in middle for hours), other servers started without any issue.
I have tried these steps but issue remains same:
Shut-down all servers by using Groovy script.
Restarted Win12 server and Bpms trial again.
Uninstall only MWS server and user interface through Control Panel and install it again by running Software Ag installer.
Configuring again by using [grexec BpmsTrial -configure]
I recommend starting from scratch as uninstalling MWS may have removed settings.
I.e. execute the following steps:
grexec BpmsTrial -shutdown
grexec BpmsTrial -uninstall
grexec BpmsTrial -setup
If this is still failing, pls run
grexec BpmsTrial -diagnostics
A ZIP file containing various diagnostic information will be created - pls provide to us.
Thanks Ulrich for your recommendation however this does not fix my issue:
I have followed the steps you had mentioned but MWS failed to initialization(start) and again stucked for an hours… and Groovy script ended with exit code 1 and error message “Failed to start My webMethods Server(exit code 1)”.
Here is problems.log:
“2015-10-02 01:11:18 GMT (org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.service.importer.support.AbstractOsgiServiceImportFactoryBean:WARN) - OSGi importer [consumers] definition contains no interfaces: all invocations will be executed on the proxy and not on the backing service
2015-10-02 01:11:22 GMT (com.softwareag.security.idp.saml.SamlManagedService:ERROR) - osgi.configuration.area was not set/found.
2015-10-02 01:11:24 GMT (com.softwareag.eda.nerv.impl.util.component.ComponentUpdater:WARN) - [EDANII0074] A configuration change in NERV component ‘nervDefaultJMS’ has been detected.
2015-10-02 01:11:25 GMT (com.softwareag.eda.nerv.error.handling.ErrorHandlerConfiguration:WARN) - Guaranteed delivery of NERV is enabled. Therefore, specified value for property ‘com.softwareag.eda.nerv.maximum.redelivery.attempts’ will be ignored. Instead, ‘-1’ will be set as redeliveries count, thus configuring infinite re-delivery attempts.
2015-10-02 01:11:29 GMT (org.apache.axis2.deployment.ServiceDeployer:WARN) - Cannot deploy wsstack-admin-service.aar”
I am not sure if it is an OS issue or BpmsTrial build. I am using Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacentre edition.