I was trying to install the BpmsTrial. Linux 64bit. First I ran the installation (-install switch). It went OK. Then I ran the -configure switch. It seemed to do lot of work correctly, but after starting some of the servers (I guess), it halted with an exception:
MWS, IS, UM are running. I can connect start them, connect to them. However, the exceptions looks like some part of the configuration went wrong.
Thanks for your suggestion. I moved a bit further. This time no InvocationTargetException occured. But it failed again with Conection refused error. See the screenshot. Have you got ant suggestion on this?
I assume that SoftwareAG Platform Manager (SPM) is either not started or using a a port different from the default port (8092) because of a port conflict detected during installation.
Please check the following:
(1) There should be a file at the following path relative to your installation root (/opt/softwareag ?)
The actual value for "*" is the port. If it is not 8092 we have a port conflict.
(2) Have a look at the file “/tmp/groovylogs/testautomation.log” it should contain lines similar to the following ones. Is there a line stating “All needed ports are available” - or does it report port conflicts?
In case a port conflict has been detected: check which process is using that port and remove that conflict.
Unfortunately, the Bpms Trial setup does not support non-default ports.
Thanks for your suggestions. I have checked both points. As for 1), yes, the file is there and the port number is 8092. As for 2), the log file states “All needed ports are available”.
So everything should be fine. Is there anything else I can do to make it work?
there is vague idea what might possibly help here:
On Windows we sporadically encounter an issue with the same CC command because MWS is not up in time; the error message is different from yours, but I would give it a try:
Start MWS and
open the GUI (port 8585) and
enter the settings on the Servers page according to the screenshot attached
the console screen shot does not contain sufficient diagnostic information.
Hence, please provide the file /tmp/groovylogs/testautomation.log or better run the following command grexec BpmsTrial -diagnostics and provide the generated ZIP file for further diagnostics.
As BPMS Trial has expired its license, I got new license files and reinstaled the whole BPMS Trial from the very beginning. Surprisingly, it was installed completely without any error. The issue didn’t occured again.