We are having problems getting a webservice to behave when converting between the code pages ibm-1047_P100-1995 and UTF-8.
The RPC call is initiated by the mainframe and calls to a Unix box which then responds. So far, everything is working perfectly up to the point where the response is passed back to the mainframe broker.
The Broker SYSOUT shows:
It seems to be an issue during the code page conversion.
The IDL is:
I wonder if the logical parameter (CUSTOMER-FOUND) is causing issues as we have many other web services working fine but none of them have a logical parameter in the response to the mainframe.
We’re running EntireX 8.1.3 and Natural 4.2.7 sp14.
We made the change to the RPC server config code page as shown above.
We’re not getting any Natural errors and we see LS=ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8 now but we still see the 00200094 Msg truncated to fit receive-buffer error in the Broker trace as below:
Is there any way for us to be able to see the payload? Perhaps that would help us to understand what the RPC Server is trying to push into the Broker and diagnose the problem.
This is a completely different scenario.
There is a Java or XML/SOAP RPC client which sends a request to a Natural RPC Server RPC/NATRPCD1/CALLNAT, library TMNEW, program TM-GN1-N with a receive length of 9788 bytes.
The RPC Server seems to change the library to MQSERVER and returns 119186 bytes.
The consequence is the “Msg truncated to fit receive-buffer” error on the client side. However, the RPC client should reread the message with the correct length and continue without an error. So in this case the error in the Broker log can be ignored.