Does anyone know how to go about configuring the WM JDBC adapter for use with SQL Server 2005. How do I install the drivers? What jar files are required? What value do I put in for the Datasource Class parameter when configuring JDBC Adapter Connections?
You can download the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver from this location
After you run the executable and unzip the contents, you will find a sqljdbc.jar under for example: C:\SQLServer2005Driver\sqljdbc_1.1\enu
where SQLServer2005 is the folder where you unzipped your contents.
to make use of this driver, copy the sqljdbc.jar in to IS/lib/jars to make it available in Classpath.
In your Datasource, (the SQL server driver for SQL server 2005) you can specify “”
Hope this helps.
Thanks and Regards,
1, can this diver be used to connect to SQL2000 also?
2, We already have jar files for connecting to sql 2000, can I put SQL 2005 jar files and SQL 2000 jar files in the same directory?
HI Deepa,
I put sqljdbc.jar in Integration server classpath… if i go to webMethods page and click WMDB under Adapters i cannot see the SQL Driver. Appriciate your help.
Hi Michelle,
I think Deepa was referring to WmJDBCAdapter when mentioning Datasource-Class.
For WmJDBCAdapter it is sufficient to place the jar-file(s) under
In this case you can replace the jars with a newer version by just reloading the Adapter-Package instead of restarting the whole IS.
When used with WmDB, it is required to place the jars under
<is_root>/lib/jars and you need to configure the driver-class instead of the datasource-class.