Using webMethods 6.5 and TN 6.5, sending a compressed doc to TN from develper & need to decompress it before sending it to target. But I am not able to figure out how to modify/ change the content part of the bizdoc once it is routed to TN.
Once you send the data to TN, you can’t modify the content which is stored. But in your case you can decompress it in the service that posts the data to the partner. In the processing rule invoke a service. In that service get the content part data, decompress it and post to the partner.
I am facing issue while passing decompressed file content for delivery within TN delivery method when input file is very large. Is there a way by which I can update bizdoc/ContentParts[0]/LargePart? field.
(LargePart? looks like a string value in pipeline; but it is a Document/MBoolen value.)