Migration from aix 4.3 to aix 5.3

Currently we are running SAP Business Connector 4.6 with Web Methods Integration Server 4.6. We have been informed that if we move to AIX 5.3, we will no longer be supoorted by Web methods. Will the Integration server 4.6 run on AIX 5.3?

You will need to get the official answer from webMethods Support. The webMethods 4.6 Installation Guide only references “AIX 4.3 and later”, but that does not mean that AIX 5.3 is supported.

I do know of several customers running on current AIX releases, but they would be using more recent versions of Integration Server.


I may be off-base here, but is SAP BC supported in any way by wM? It was my understanding that it was supported by SAP. With the recent dissolution of the relationship between SAP and wM you may need to migrate to wM-supplied licenses and software. wM recently introduced “webMethods for SAP” to provide a migration path away from the now deprecated SAP BC.