Migrating webmethods from 9.7 from Unix to Linux


  1. We are migrating the web methods from 9.5 to 9.7 in UNIX platform.

  2. Latter we need to migrate it to Linux platform.
    We are planning to export same webMethods 9.7 database from unix to Linux environment.

3.I read for Linux environment we need to use Linux Image file for installing web methods.

Can any one explain procedure of installing web Methods in LINUX with exported webMethods9.7 version of database from unix and also do we need to run DCC [as it will be latest version 9.7] and how to install MWS?

Do we need to change any scripts ?

Thank you,

Hi Raghu,

It looks like you are not migrating (upgrading older version to new version), but you want to move your installation from UNIX box to Linux box.

Since you want same version (9.7) on Linux box as it was there on Unix, you can do following:

  1. In Linux, basically you need to do fresh installation of 9.7 products i.e., install 9.7 version of products pointing to new Database. Create Database tables in that new DB using DCC. Start your servers.
  2. Use Deployer to move your assets from Unix box servers to Linux box servers.

While installing new products, pointing to existing DB which is already in use by some other installation is not supported officially. This is allowed only in case of upgrading webMethods products, not during movement of asstets between machines having same version of webMethods products.


Additionally there are some entries in the database (esp. MWS-based) where the addresses of the instances are stored. These entries need to be updated. This can lead to severe issues with the instances resulting in a need to reinstall them from scratch.

Therefore I agree with Chandra about this scenario.


Hi Holger

As posted earlier we are migrating webmethods7.1.3 to 9.7 in unix environment.
Latter we are moving to Linux environment,by using the database of 9.7 in unix .

1.As mentioned we do fresh installation of product,has webMethods image for linux is different pointing to database which has webMethods 9.7 of unix.
2. As per my understanding for MWS we need to fresh installation for MWS,if we do fresh installation of MWS ,is there any impact that data will be lost ?

Hi Yogesh,

this depends on whether you are using TaskEngine or not.

If not, you might have luck.

But if you are using Tasks you will have to redeploy the tasks to the Linux server whilst losing the latest task instances.



I believe, there should be different imges for Windows, Unix & Linux. So you have to install a fresh copy of IS on Linux. And for MWS, though you have a new copy, you can still copy the old db data to new one;you might face some issues and you can fix those.
