Hi, I am new to webMethods. I need to merge two flat files into a single flat file using the same customer_ID.
customer_ID, customer_name, customer_email, customer_phone
101, John Doe, john@example.com, 1234567890
102, Jane Smith, jane@example.com, 9876543210
customer_ID, product_name, product_price, transaction_number
101, Laptop, 1500, TXN001
102, Keyboard, 50, TXN003
expected output is
customer_ID, customer_name, customer_email, customer_phone,customer_ID, product_name, product_price, transaction_number
101, John Doe, john@example.com, 1234567890,101, Laptop, 1500, TXN001
102, Jane Smith, jane@example.com, 9876543210,102, Keyboard, 50, TXN003
here I have to match both flat-file comparing customer_Id.