Lock problem with Tamino OnUpdate Trigger

Hi all,

I’ve this problem in an On Update Trigger.

The trigger code performs some queries into the same schema where the trigger starts in.
These queries take a lot of time if they are performed into the trigger context.
At the end the queries are performed but the document hasn’t been updated.
If I update a document by Interactive Interface (Load feature), I get this this warning:

The requested URL could not be retrieved


While trying to retrieve the URL: [no URL]

The following error was encountered:

Read Timeout
The system returned:

[No Error]
A Timeout occurred while waiting to read data from the network. The network or server may be down or congested. Please retry your request.


It seems there is a lock on the collection (or schema) where the documents are updated.

Pheraps, cant’t I perform a query while the trigger is working?

Otherwise, how can I get the solution?

Thanks in advance

Hi Raffaele,

If you are using Tamino v4.1.1 this is a known bug. In newer versions (4.1.4 or 4.2.1) this should not happen.

Can you give please more information on what version you are using and what query you want to perform. If the document being uppdated is found by the query you of course have to expect a lock. If the query is on another doctype in the same collection, it should succeed.

Best regards,
Julius Geppert

Hi Julius,
I’m using Tamino 4.2.1 Version under Linux.
I’ve a collection whith only a doctype.
The trigger performs a query on the whole collection(doctype)
I’m sure that the document being uppdated is not found by the query.

In other words, the query is performed on the same doctype where the document is in.

Thanks in advance for your help

Hi Raffaele,

I have yet another idea: if the field used by the internal query has an index defined, the lock should not affect the document being updated.

If you already have an index defined or the index doesn’t cure the problem, you should address it to Software AG support.

Best regards,

Julius Geppert