trigger problem

Hi all,
in my trigger (on insert, update and delete events) I perform an update (via xquery) of existing documents in the same collection and of the same doctype of the current document. But an error message was returned:

Database access failure (7126, INOSXE7126, Server extension failed, INOSXE7023: Function ‘Ead.InsertDoc’ failed, because XML callback failed with error ‘8504’)


INOXME8504 XML maximum request duration exceeded

but it is really a maximum request duration exceeded problem? I suppose it’s a lock problem.

Every help and suggestion is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


PS: the xquery performing code is

public String TaminoXQuery(String expression)
throws TServerNotAvailableException
String resultXML = “”;
TResponse response = null;
conn = getConnection(); // conn is my TConnection
TLocalTransaction transaction = conn.useLocalTransactionMode();
// collection is my collection
TXMLObjectAccessor xmlObjectAccessor = conn.newXMLObjectAccessor(TAccessLocation.newInstance(collection), TDOMObjectModel.getInstance());
TXQuery xquery = TXQuery.newInstance(expression);
response = xmlObjectAccessor.xquery(xquery);
catch(TAccessorException accessorException)
throw accessorException;
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
catch(Exception e)
resultXML = new String(stringWriter.toString().getBytes(“UTF-8”));
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e1)
return resultXML;
catch(Exception e)
return resultXML;

Turn on XML request logging and see which request fails with the 8504. It is possible that it is a transaction timeout.

Hi Mark,
you are right: according to the XML request logging it is a transaction timeout. But why?
For example, the insert event get the tamino id of the current document and only perform an xquery like this:

declare namespace tf=“
update for $a in input()/ead where tf:getInoId($a)=2
do insert Arch.Barb.Colonna.di.Sciarra.serie1.sottoserie1 into $a

If I perform it with Tamino Interactive Interface, the update is executed.
I am not a Tamino expert, could you help me to understand?
Thanks in advance!


Is it possible that the query is run on the same collection/doctype as the trigger? I.e. it may be a locking conflict within the trigger?

Hi Mark,
the xquery runs on the same collection/doctype as the trigger, as I wrote (no clearly!) in my first email.
It may be a locking conflict within the trigger! What can I do to resolve it?
Thanks in advance for your precious help,


Hi Pam,

From your code I see that you try to query using the Tamino Java API. This opens a new session in parallel to the existing session in which the trigger function is called. So this explains the locking.

You should rather use X-Tension callbacks (see Tamino documentation on X-Tension: Tamino Server Extensions → Developing Tamino Server Extensions → Callbacks). The function to use is

int SxsXMLXQuery (String collection, String query, Result result);

This XQuery is called inside the same session and will thus (hopefully) not produce any locking problems.

Best regards,

Hi Julius,
thank you very much, I believe it is just what I need!
Please, can you give me some java example?


Hi Pam,

I found a sample function that uses XQuery to write in another collection. It is a map-in function, but a trigger function acts similar:

  public void mapin (int object_id, int element_id, String document, StringBuffer nodeinfo)
    Result result = new Result();
    int rc = 0;
    // xquery update to collection MAPTEST:
    StringBuffer Response = new StringBuffer();
    String XQuery = "update insert <item><KEY>" + object_id + element_id +
      "</KEY>" + document + "</item> into input()/TEST_ROOT";
    rc = SxsXMLXQuery ( "MAPTEST", XQuery, result);
    if (rc != 0) {
        StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer();
        SxsXMLGetMessage (errMsg);
        SxsException(rc, errMsg.toString());

I hope this is of help for you.

Best regards,

Hi Julius,
thanks very much for your precious help and your availability.
Please, help me again!

I work with Tamino and I still solve one/two problems:

  1. for my java trigger class Ead (extends ASXJBase), the method SxsXMLXQuery(String, String, Result) is undefined;

  2. perhaps the problem lies in how I defined class Result, its code is very simple:

                           public class Result {
                               public Result(){}

and it is located in an appropriate jar (in “Developing Tamino Server Extensions”, I have not been able to find additional information)

Any suggestion will be appreciated!!! Thanks a lot!


Hi Julius,
excuse me for my great error! I have found Result class in com.softwareag.ino.sxs package!


The Result class is described in the document you mentioned.

Hi Julius,
my triggers works very fine now!
Thanks very very very much!!! :lol:
