Tamino access failure (INOXQE6352)

X-Application Version: 4.1.1
Tamino Version :
Platform : WinXP Professional
WebContainer : Tomcat 4.1.24
JDK Version : 1.4.1


I would like to replace an element using XQuery update replace.
Example XQuery:

update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = ‘Adjusted Winner’ ]
with Adjusted Winner neu

This update query works fine with the Tamino Interactive Interface but if I use this query inside a java program I get the following

StoreException: id = 161 arg[0] = xquery failed

Tamino access failure (INOXQE6352, XQuery parsing error, Syntax error at line 1, column 691: update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = 'Adjusted Winn)

I have attached the sample java code and the complete error message.
I have tried serveral different queries and I get always the same XQuery parsing error at line 1 column 691 although the queries were different.

Is is possible to use XQuery update within java at all or only with the Tamino Interactive Interface?

I need this functionality not only for simple updates with one element but also for updates where one element and its complete subtree should be replaced. Because of that I can’t just
use methods like
doc.selectElement(“/designPattern/name”).setText(“Adjusted Winner neu”);
because it would be very laborious to adapt this method calls to the different subtree structures Additional I perhaps get problems with the order of the elements if I delete or insert new child elements.

Best regards,

Samer Al-Hunaty

java method
public static void updateReplaceTest() {
String updateQuery = "update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = ‘Adjusted Winner’ ] " +
“with Adjusted Winner neu”;

System.out.println("query: " + updateQuery);
Element jDomElement = null;

try {
// initialize the workspace
Store store = TaminoStore.createStore(DATABASE_URI);
BusinessDocumentWorkspace workspace = new BusinessDocumentWorkspace(store);

// create a cursor
AnchorCursor docCursor = workspace.xquery(
catch (StoreException se) {
System.out.println("StoreException: " + se.getMessage());
catch (XException xe) {
System.out.println("XException: " + xe.getMessage());

query: update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = ‘Adjusted Winner’ ] with Adjusted Winner neu
StoreException: id = 161 arg[0] = xquery failed: declare namespace xapp = “404” declare namespace xf = “W3C XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators” declare namespace tsd = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoSchemaDefinition” declare namespace xq = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/XQuery/result” declare namespace xs = “XML Schema” declare namespace xql = “XQL FAQ (XML Query Language - Frequently Asked Questions)” declare namespace itf = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/InternalTaminoFunction” declare namespace tf = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoFunction” declare namespace ino = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/response2” for $wrapper in (update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = ‘Adjusted Winner’ ] with Adjusted Winner neu)[xf:position()>= 1 and xf:position() <=10] return element xapp:Result { element xapp:NodeLocation {attribute id {tf:getInoId($wrapper)}, attribute nodeId {itf:getNodeId($wrapper)}, element doctype{itf:getDoctype($wrapper)}, element collection{tf:getCollection($wrapper)}, element timestamp{tf:getLastModified(root($wrapper))}} , element xapp:Body {$wrapper}}: NestedException:Tamino access failure (INOXQE6352, XQuery parsing error, Syntax error at line 1, column 691: update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = 'Adjusted Winn)
Nested Exception (com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.common.TAccessFailureException, tag: $Name: JavaTaminoAPI_4_1_2_41 $) stacktrace:

Tamino access failure (INOXQE6352, XQuery parsing error, Syntax error at line 1, column 691: update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = 'Adjusted Winn)
at com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.accessor.TAccessFailureVerifier.newAccessFailureException(TAccessFailureVerifier.java:126)
at com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.accessor.TAccessFailureVerifier.verify(TAccessFailureVerifier.java:113)StoreException: id = 161 arg[0] = xquery failed: declare namespace xapp = “404” declare namespace xf = “W3C XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators” declare namespace tsd = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoSchemaDefinition” declare namespace xq = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/XQuery/result” declare namespace xs = “XML Schema” declare namespace xql = “XQL FAQ (XML Query Language - Frequently Asked Questions)” declare namespace itf = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/InternalTaminoFunction” declare namespace tf = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoFunction” declare namespace ino = “http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/response2” for $wrapper in (update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = ‘Adjusted Winner’ ] with Adjusted Winner neu)[xf:position()>= 1 and xf:position() <=10] return element xapp:Result { element xapp:NodeLocation {attribute id {tf:getInoId($wrapper)}, attribute nodeId {itf:getNodeId($wrapper)}, element doctype{itf:getDoctype($wrapper)}, element collection{tf:getCollection($wrapper)}, element timestamp{tf:getLastModified(root($wrapper))}} , element xapp:Body {$wrapper}}: NestedException:Tamino access failure (INOXQE6352, XQuery parsing error, Syntax error at line 1, column 691: update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = 'Adjusted Winn)
NestedException: NestedException:Tamino access failure (INOXQE6352, XQuery parsing error, Syntax error at line 1, column 691: update replace input()/designPattern/name[. = 'Adjusted Winn)

at com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.accessor.TAccessFailureVerifier.verifyXQueryResponse(TAccessFailureVerifier.java:80)
at com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.accessor.TXMLObjectAccessorImpl.xquery(TXMLObjectAccessorImpl.java:364)
at com.softwareag.xtools.xapplication.store.TaminoStoreV4.xquery(TaminoStoreV4.java:805)
at com.softwareag.xtools.xapplication.businessdocument.AnchorCursor.load(AnchorCursor.java:353)
at com.softwareag.xtools.xapplication.businessdocument.AnchorCursor.load(AnchorCursor.java:343)
at com.softwareag.xtools.xapplication.businessdocument.AnchorCursor.(AnchorCursor.java:79)
at com.softwareag.xtools.xapplication.businessdocument.BusinessDocumentWorkspace.processQuery(BusinessDocumentWorkspace.java:560)
at com.softwareag.xtools.xapplication.businessdocument.BusinessDocumentWorkspace.xquery(BusinessDocumentWorkspace.java:196)
at de.tum.in.ibis.designpatternlibrary.XApplicationPrototype.updateReplaceTest(XApplicationPrototype.java:46)
at de.tum.in.ibis.designpatternlibrary.XApplicationPrototype.main(XApplicationPrototype.java:27)


The base functionality of the X-Application Store class does only support XQuery expression for querying documents. That means that a document that can be iterated set is returned.

If you need this functionality, you can modify the sources of X-Applications Store implementation. There is a class TaminoStoreV4, the implementation class to access Tamino Version 4.1.x.

Add a method e.g.

public void myUpdateQuery(String queryExpression) {
    try {
            TStreamAccessor acc = connection.newStreamAccessor(TAccessLocation.newInstance(nodeLocation.getCollection()));
            TXQuery txquery = TXQuery.newInstance(updateExpression);
            TInputStream is = acc.xquery(txquery);
            Element result = JDomUtil.inputToElement(is);
    } catch (Exception e) {
</pre><BR><BR>Invoke the command <BR><BR>build build<BR><BR>within your X-Application installation directory. The result will be a new jar file <BR>xapplication.jar<BR>located within the directory ...\lib\debug<BR><BR>Use this jar file within your application instead of the old one.<BR><BR>Within your Java Code, cast the store class and invoke your update query.<BR><BR><pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

I hope, that helps you to solve your problem.


Hello Christian,

thanks a lot for your fast and helpful answer!
I have tried your suggestion and after two minor changes it works!
I have attached the new method for TaminoStoreV4

Best regards

Samer Al-Hunaty


public void myUpdateQuery(String updateExpression, String collection) {
try {
TStreamAccessor acc = connection.newStreamAccessor(TAccessLocation.newInstance(collection));
TXQuery txquery = TXQuery.newInstance(updateExpression);
TInputStream is = acc.xquery(txquery);
Element result = JDomUtil.inputToElement(is);
catch (Exception e) {