Does anyone have any experience in using LDAP as a storage type for the Naming Provider?
I´m trying to create one but I only get the following error message: Error: Encountered an exception when adding the JNDI provider. Error: Encountered an exception when verifying the JNDI provider
Here are my settings: Initial context Factory: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory Provider URL: ldap://localhost:389/CN=JNDI,CN=MickesData,DC=mdomain,DC=local Security Pricipal: wmJNDIWriter (i´ve tried with the full DN as well) Security Credential: ******
As an LDAP server I use the builtin ADL DS role in Windows 2008 R2.
Everything seems to be setup correctly and I can connect and browse through the objects using an ldap browser.
Not much action here… anyway, I solved it temporary using ApacheDS (an open source directory server).It doesn’t have any schema validations so there is no need for importing the java object schema.
Install ApacheDS
Edit the server.conf file under the conf directory for your instance and change the address to to allow connections from other hosts than localhost.
An admin user is created (uid=admin, ou=system) during the installation - use that to authenticate yourself. Default password is: secret
Create the Naming Provider in MWS (choose LDAP as the predefined template)Provider URL: ldap://host:port/ou=systemSecurity Principal: uid=admin,ou=systemSecurity Credential: *****
Go ahead and create a connection factory for your provider.
Now your done! :)You can use any ldap browser to check out the connection factory, it should be stored in the directory under ou=system (e.g. cn=myCF,ou=system)