Kibana heap out of memory

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level? API GW 10.5

What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

Kibana went down more frequently

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

<— Last few GCs —>

[1550:0x3ae0b50] 59726572 ms: Mark-sweep 904.8 (989.4) → 904.7 (954.9) MB, 88.3 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.708, current mu = 0.000) last resort GC in old space requested
[1550:0x3ae0b50] 59726656 ms: Mark-sweep 904.7 (954.9) → 904.7 (954.4) MB, 84.0 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.554, current mu = 0.000) last resort GC in old space requested

<— JS stacktrace —>

==== JS stack trace =========================================

0: ExitFrame [pc: 0x1ba7ca1dbe1d]

Security context: 0x26a208d1e6e1
1: byteLength [0x2268f9403e69] [buffer.js:531] [bytecode=0x28322e203fe9 offset=204](this=0x294860b5f8c1 <JSFunction Buffer (sfi = 0x2c5df10136d1)>,string=0x1bcf8f9a1909 <Very long string[295662009]>,encoding=0x26a208d3cc71 <String[4]: utf8>)
2: size [0x22a80d8e48c9] [/Data/sag/105/apigw/profiles/IS_default/apigateway/dashboard/node_modules/hapi/lib/r…

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
1: 0x8dc1c0 node::Abort() [./…/node/bin/node]
2: 0x8dc20c [./…/node/bin/node]
3: 0xad60ae v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [./…/node/bin/node]

@Ahamed , Its does look seems to be memory issue while querying the from Analytics view.

what is your Internal Data Store JVM values configured ?

": Mark-sweep 904.7 (954.9) → 904.7 (954.4) MB, "

“[bytecode=0x28322e203fe9 offset=204](this=0x294860b5f8c1 <JSFunction Buffer (sfi = 0x2c5df10136d1)>,string=0x1bcf8f9a1909 <Very long string[295662009]>,encoding=0x26a208d3cc71 <String[4]: utf8>)”

This tells us that internal Garbage cleaner which is taking more time in creating GC , which does impacting the retrieving the the values form Internal Data Store

Hi Dinesh,

We have 4G of java Heap in Mix & Max, but still facing this issue.

Also need to know the config file to increase javascript heap memory (only for kibana)

@Ahamed, Please browse this linked article for more guidance could help/lead you some config solution to your Elastic Search (Kibana) specific issue:

Happy Reading,


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