JMSAdmin Error

Hello All,
I am trying to setup TopicConnectionFacotry / Topic destination using JMSAdmin. I am able to create JNDI setting using JMSAdmin. However I am getting error when I create Connection Factory / Destination.
Every time I create it gives me a error message
Error: cannot bind “wmTopicConnectionFactory”: null. and it is same when I try to create Destination.

Products that I am trying with are:
webMethods Broker / Integration server 6.5
Weblogic 8.1sp5
I have placed following WM lib is startweblogic.cmd file

similarly I have place weblogic.jar and wljmsclient.jar in the startup.bat of Integration server.

I am not having any luck with this.
Could some one in the group please help me to resolve this please!!



We were able to create TopicConnectionFactories and Topics.
All that we did is to place jms.jar and jmsnaming.jar undre <>/lib/jars/ directory and configure the broker as JMS Broker and it worked fine.

In our case webMethods is the JMS Provider.

-Vijay Joysula