JMS Trigger getting Suspended in Transient Error

HI All,

  1. Our Source System is posting directly to our UM Queue using AMQP Protocol.
  2. We are getting that message using JMS Trigger and we are processing that data. But When the resource is down/ unavailable or any communication we are retrying the message.

When the server is down on Target side, the service is going to throwExceptionforRetry step and JMS Trigger is getting suspended and invoking the trigger Monitoring service and when the server is working fine The JMS trigger is not restoring the message again.

When we disable and enable the JMS trigger in the admin page. The message is processing.

Do I need to change anything in the setting in the JMS Trigger. Could you please help me out.

Queue Properties is Persistent in UM. AMQP Message DeliveryMode also Persistent.

What is the Max Retry Count seeting in JMS connection alias.? Default is 0 i.e., A Max Retry Count of 0 indicates that automatic retry is disabled for the JMS connection alias. Check this link for more info -