JMS guaranteed delivery with clustering mode

Hello all,

I would like to implement the following mechanism:

  • A JMS message is sent by a customer
  • On wM side, a cluster of two IS has been set up and I want to receive and manage this message on both IS (let’s consider this notification as a technical one which must be used on the two IS)

What is the best option to guarantee the delivery on both IS?

  • With a topic mode without durable subscriber: if one of my JMS trigger is not avaible when a message is sent, it will not be able to reprocess the message and so it will loose the message
  • With a topic mode with durable subscriber: I need to create and manage two different packages (I can’t variabilize the name of my durable subscriber, so to deploy my mechanism in Production, I need to create in development two packages and to duplicate the code)

Any better option?

Thanks for your help

did you try unchecking share client prefix in IS administrator for Broker or UM connection.?

That was my point:
With a topic mode with durable subscriber: I need to create and manage two different packages (I can’t variabilize the name of my durable subscriber, so to deploy my mechanism in Production, I need to create in development two packages and to duplicate the code)