Let’s see…
import java.util.Date ;
public class test {
public static void main(String args) {
long t = 0x10000000000L ;
System.out.println("t = "+new Date(t)) ;
t = Wed Nov 03 13:53:47 CST 2004
Let’s see…
import java.util.Date ;
public class test {
public static void main(String args) {
long t = 0x10000000000L ;
System.out.println("t = "+new Date(t)) ;
t = Wed Nov 03 13:53:47 CST 2004
By 5PM PST is what I got.
They initially said 4 PM PST - but obviously, thats not gonna happen
will post as soon as we hear
Latest I got was that emails would be sent to the Technical Contacts for each customer with the fix attached. Est. 7 - 8PM. So their pushing it. We’re not holding our breath.
Should be some interesting talks at Integration World.
Got this from wM:
*** webMethods Trading Networks Critical Error ***
Posted By: richard.augugliaro.6908
Valued webMethods Customers,
We have a critical situation that all of our Trading Networks users are
experiencing. This problem causes Trading Networks to stop processing all inbound documents. Our Product Development Team has isolated the root cause of the problem and will have a fix created and tested within the next one to two hours (between 7:00 and 8:00 PM US Eastern Time). We will notify you as soon as the patch is available and provide instructions for how to apply the fix.
We apologize sincerely for the significant effect that this situation is
causing our customers.
Richard Augugliaro
Vice President, Customer Care
2 minutes… since they cost us in blood I thought I would count them off.
Anyone get the patch yet?
Valued Trading Network Customers,
We are aware of the difficulties you are currently experiencing with your inbound processing within Trading Network. We will have a patch to correct the problem to you within the next one to two hours (between 7:00 and 9:00 PM US Eastern Time).
You will be notified as soon as it becomes available, and be provided instructions for how to apply.
Our most sincere apologies to all of you for the inconvenience this has caused.
Our staff is available to support you with any questions you may have.
Worldwide Support:
North America: +1-888-222-8215 or +1 703 460 2584
Europe: +800 963 84-637 or +31 20 77 83 640
AsiaPacific: +1800 117 411 or 8913 1111
Australia: +1 800-088-880
China (Northern): 10800 610 0302
China (Southern): 10800 261 0302
Hong Kong: 800 933 819
India: 000 800 650 1184
Malaysia: 1800 807 806
New Zealand: 0800 330 669
Singapore: 800 6161 851
Thailand: 001 800 611 2851
Indonesia: 001803 61589
Philippines: 18001 611 0271
Korea: 00 308 610 062
Taiwan: 00 80611387
India: 000 800-650-1184
Japan: 00 531 610 062
Sri-lanka: 01 430 800
Richard Augugliaro
Vice President, Customer Care
at 7:50 PM EST, they said ‘20 more minutes’
thinkb2b - we are in Australia on the eastern seaboard. Problem was detected in our production environment at 2004-11-04 06:54:27 Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
This is GMT 2004-11-03 07:54pm previous day (wed), or
2004-11-03 14:54 previous day (wed) US ‘Eastern’ time.
We are running 6.0.2 on Oracle 8i on hpux.
Did anyone else hack the db?
still waiting
at 8:28 MTL time any one got news ?
Haven’t seen or heard anything from wM. When we do, what are the chances of actually getting the file though? I don’t have confidence in the bandwidth of their site, esp. when every customer attempts to download at once.
Any one got the patch, we have the same problem
I think allot of people are still dead in the water.
Jason Hanna,
If you are on the support ticket they will send e-mail attachment to you. Probably want to call support.
webMethods should email the zip file to the reported customer and call them personnally
Anyone have a line on the webMethods admins at Dell?
Thanks for the info - that matches up with my conviction that its not dependent on Time Zone (but all of us knew that already :-))
I hope they do ALL OF
a) mass e-mail AND
b) Advantage download AND
c) FTP server
It is still the same .Anyone heard of any fix from webM tech support.