JDBC error while calling wmtndocxmlrouteXml

Anyone know what wM’s Service Level Agreement is? Even though the majority of our documents are recoverable, I can’t help to think we’re losing business over this.

Just received a patch for TN 6.0.1 by email…

there is plenty of time to pore over SLAs - this bug essentially shutdown our company - no small feat - and we aint that small either :frowning: There is going to be some interesting converstations over the next week.

Just spoke with the WM rep, he was saying that they are going through the list and emailing the fix and readme file

The code that is causing all the problem… atleast on TN 6.1.

The link on advantage that explains the unique identifier format [url=“http://advantage.webmethods.com/article/?id=1611541961”]http://advantage.webmethods.com/article/?id=1611541961[/url]

package com.wm.app.tn.util;

import com.wm.util.Config;
import com.wm.util.Debug2;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;

public class IDMaker

public IDMaker() 

public static synchronized String get() 
    String time = toBase32String(System.currentTimeMillis()); 
    String num = pad(4, toBase32String(nextId++)).toString(); 
    StringBuffer tid = new StringBuffer(); 
    if(nextId == 0x7fffffff) 
        nextId = 0; 
    return tid.toString(); 

private static StringBuffer pad(int bytes, String s) 
    int len = bytes * 2; 
    int strlen = s.length(); 
    if(strlen >= len) 
        return new StringBuffer(s); 
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); 
    for(int i = 0; i < len - strlen; i++) 

    return sb; 

private static String toBase32String(long i) 
    char buf[] = new char[64]; 
    int charPos = 64; 
    int shift = 5; 
    int radix = 1 << shift; 
    long mask = radix - 1; 
        buf[--charPos] = digits[(int)(i & mask)]; 
        i >>>= shift; 
    } while(i != 0L); 
    return new String(buf, charPos, 64 - charPos); 

public static void main(String args[]) 
    throws Exception 
    nextId = 0x7ffffffb; 
    for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) 
        System.out.println(get() + "\n"); 


static final char digits[] = { 
    '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',  
    'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j',  
    'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',  
    'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' 
public static final int TRXJOB0001 = 1; 
public static final int TRXJOB0006 = 6; 
private static String self = "TXJobId"; 
private static int nextId; 
private static String host; 
private static String seq; 

        host = toBase32String(Config.getLocalHost().hashCode()); 
        int len = host.length(); 
        if(len < 6) 
            case 5: // '\005' 
                host = "0" + host; 

            case 4: // '\004' 
                host = "00" + host; 

            case 3: // '\003' 
                host = "000" + host; 


The fix has been emailed to us it is

The read me of the fix is

webMethods Trading Networks Server 6.0.1 Fix 39

                    November 2004 

This file provides important information for applying webMethods
Trading Networks Server 6.0.1 Fix 39 (TNS_6-0-1_Fix39) to webMethods
Trading Networks Server 6.0.1. For release information about
webMethods Trading Networks Server, see the Release Notes on the
webMethods Advantage Web site at http://advantage.webMethods.com.


1.0 Fix Name
2.0 Product(s) Affected
3.0 Fix Requirements
4.0 Fix Contents
5.0 Platform Support
6.0 Installation
7.0 Cautions and Warnings
8.0 Globalization Statement
9.0 Copyright
10.0 Contacting Us

1.0 Fix Name

webMethods Trading Networks Server 6.0.1 Fix 39 (TNS_6-0-1_Fix39)

2.0 Product(s) Affected

This fix affects webMethods Trading Networks Server 6.0.1.

3.0 Fix Requirements

In development environments, a related Trading Networks Console
fix may be required. This fix is not required for production.

4.0 Fix Contents

This fix addresses the following issue:

Inbound document processing stops because of invalid
document IDs.

Inbound document processing stops because Trading Networks
generates an invalid document ID. This causes the following error
to occur:

Couldnt insert new document.

This fix resolves the issue.

5.0 Platform Support

This fix is supported on all platforms that webMethods
Trading Networks Server 6.0.1 supports.

6.0 Installation

  1. Shutdown the Integration Server.

  2. Copy the file TNS_6-0-1_Fix39.jar into
    <integrationserver>/updates, where <integrationserver>
    is the location where you installed your server.

  3. Update the properties.cnf file located in
    <integrationserver>\packages\WmTN\config by setting the


    Note: If you have already defined this property, then change
    the current value to another value between 0 and 31.

  4. Restart the Integration Server.

7.0 Cautions and Warnings


8.0 Globalization

webMethods Trading Networks Server 6.0.1 Fix 39 (TNS_6-0-1_Fix39)
conforms to the internationalization standards of webMethods
and includes support for operation in any country, locale, or
language. Support for character encodings and proper
formatting, display, and validation of data (such as number
and date formats) has been provided throughout the webMethods
Trading Networks Server.

webMethods Trading Networks Server 6.0.1 is fully compliant with
the requirements of the Unicode Standard, version 2.1.8 (see
http://www.unicode.org). If you expect to display non-English
data in your webMethods tools, you need to ensure that an
appropriate font is installed in your operating environment.
You should test to see if there are hollow boxes or black
squares where you would expect to see non-English data, and if
you see problems, modify your JRE font.properties file to
reference the font on your system. Information on modifying
your font.properties file can be located on the Javasoft website
and in the FAQ at
<a href=“Display Problems” target=_

We did the DB level changes in our Dev and UAT and things are working fine but I am still waiting for WM to provide the fix and test it. Because to make changes in DB level will take more then 6 hours in our production.
We have more then 4 million rows in BizDoc table and 28 millions in activity log.

WM said that they will be sending the fix via email to every technical contact person who opened the issue.

we already got it - restarting our Dev environments right now - good luck everyone…

Did any one got for 4.6

What’s the cost of this to your business?

We did the DB level changes in our Dev and UAT and things are working fine but I am still waiting for WM to provide the fix and test it. Because to make changes in DB level will take more then 6 hours in our production.
We have more then 4 million rows in BizDoc table and 28 millions in activity log.

WM said that they will be sending the fix via email to every technical contact person who opened the issue.

4.6 had a bug and went back. ETA is 15 minutes to 45 minutes from now.

Please post any successes once the fix is applied. Indicate which version also…


The fix hasn’t been released for 4.6 yet. Anyone else running 4.6 got it?

Has anyone tried “Plan B” - shifting the server time one day?

If there is still a large delay to the 4.6 fix, we may try that option. We receive orders and send out order responses and invoices. Our order receipt process is tolerant to the time shift. But sending outbound documents with the timeshift may cause an error on partner systems. However, the outbound process isn’t as time critical as inbound for us.

Manish said:

>>Because to make changes in DB level will take more then 6 hours in >>our production.
>>We have more then 4 million rows in BizDoc table and 28 millions in >>activity log.

At what point did you add indexes so the full table scans don’t take you out?

TN 6.0.1 upgraded fix 39 (linux) in developement, test and production…
Production is the final test since other environments don’t have too much activity at this hour but everything looks great, no problems so far and all documents are processing normally…TN has been running for ~5mins now so not too much time to find anything but…thumbs up for now.


It works fine for me ,

Mine is 6.0.1 and it sits on oracle database 8.1.7

If you haven’t received the fix, go to advantage under “Fixes to Known Issues” then TN.


We have installed TN 6.1 Fix 15 in production. Server was brought up and transactions are flowing through the system normally.

What is going on? how come this issue started so suddenly? is it a time based issue that occured due to some date or something? how come everyone having this issue suddenly