JDBC Adapter - Transaction Types

Hi All,

Could anyone tell me when to use following transaction type and when not to use?


Tha nks


From Pg 15 of JDBC 6.0.3 users guide…


NO_TRANSACTION : The connection provides no transaction control over the operations being performed. That is, the connection automatically commits (Auto Commit) all operations.

LOCAL_TRANSACTION : With this transaction type, all of the operations on the same connection in one transaction boundary will be committed or rolled back together. A transaction boundary means the scope of the transaction, from the beginning to the end of a transaction. It can be in one adapter service, one flow service, one Java service, or several steps in a flow service.[/size][/font]

[FONT=PalatinoLinotype-Roman][SIZE=2]XA_TRANSACTION : This transaction type allows the connection to support two-phase transactions executed across multiple databases. In one transaction boundary, all of the operations on multiple connections will be committed or rolled back together. A transaction boundary means the scope of the transaction, from the beginning to the end of a transaction. It can be in one adapter service, one flow service, one Java service, or several steps in a flow service

Hope this helps.



Basically if you use LOCAL_TRANSACTION you will have to use the starttransaction, commitTransaction and rollbackTransaction. Whereas if you use NO_TRANSACTION its going to do an auto-commit after each of your SQLs(Inserts, updates and deletes especially). XA_TRANSACTION as it says is used for two-phase commit.
Hope this helps a bit more.

Hi Anitha & Bala,

Thanks for your explanation.



Thanks from my side too…