Hi all,
I just wrote a java service and it compiled well. After that we moved that service to a subfolder under the current folder. After moving when i tried to compile the service its throwing an error. Can anybody help me out in this.
Error is /opt/product/dxpdev/wm61/hub/IntegrationServer/packages/FxMailBoxManager/code/source/FxMailBoxManager/Custom/fileWithEnvelope.java:1: package FxMailBoxManager.Custom clashes with class of same name
package FxMailBoxManager.Custom;
original folder name is “custom” and the new folder is under custom folder “custom/fileWithEnvelope”.
Under ‘custom’ folder we have some other java services and they are compiling fine only the java services under ‘custom/fileWithEnvelope’ folder are throwing the error
As per u’r description you have mentioned you have a custom package which has java services and a sub-folder in your main custom folder. Then in that sub-folder again u have your moved java service.
In wm it takes all the folder to be the main class and all the java services to be methods of the class.
I had similarly faced this problem long time back. I had moved back the service to the main folder.
Any java expert could you chip in please as I am a novice with respect to java services.