Issue with using FIND more than once - Schedule Event

Good morning,

I am unexpectedly receiving notifications for non-existent files - for example:

  • FIND checks a folder [modified within last 10 minutes]
  • Sends Email (Source Filter: *)
  • (Second) FIND check another folder [modified within last 10 minutes]
  • Sends Email (Source Filter: *)

If I only place a file in the first folder, I receive two emails. I would’ve expected only to receive an email for the first folder and the second FIND would override any results from the first FIND. Is this the expectation?



Hi Peter,
Did you resolve this issue

I also thought that a second find would overwrite the old buffer of results. It does not. To get rid of the old find results do an Exclude first then the second find.


Send Email
Exclude Action
Source Filter: * (throw everything away)
Find 2
Send Email 2
