i’m writing an ISAPI filter for IIS5. This filter is required to make queries to a Tamino database. what’s the most efficient/proper way to talk to the db? Is it by:
1) writing an X-Tension COM component using the Visual Studio addin provided with the SDK
2) utilising the TaminoX.ocx control to make the query.
depending on your need for speed and how many tasks already implemented you’re willing to redo, the choice is between the C API and the Tamino OCX which is a high level API capable of returning DOM objects from queries and so on.
If you need DOM, I think you should try Tamino.OCX first and stick to it if its speed suffices.
X-Tension is a different kind of animal, think of stored procedures. X-Tensions are used to do intra-server processing, like storing/retrieving data submitted to / queried from Tamino in / from another application. Here, the interface between Tamino and that other application would be a Server Extension.