Is there a way to remove the email id of the recently modified user from the notes section?


Is there a way to remove the email id of the recently modified-by user from the notes section of a record.

It is an urgent customer requirement. Please suggest.

Thanks in advance !!

Hi Syed,

Can you elaborate the use case to understand about the issue and provide the solution?

Where do you want to remove the email id from? Is it from the history or view?
If possible please provide the screenshot.


Hi Mounika,

The thing is, the recently modified user, who has modified the record, his/her email id pops up in the notes section of that record.

The customer doesn’t want that. So can you help. Providing the screenshot for reference.

Thanks in advance !!

Hi Syed,

Unfortunately it cannot be removed. By default case creator value will be prefilled because creator should know what is the progress on the case. When they don’t want the communication to send to the creator user has to remove it manually.


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