We have huge number legacy interfaces, 1000+ SOAP web services which are implemented in on-premise webMethods IS in our project. we are maintaining interface catalogue as an excel sheet but its very difficult to keep it updated and track. So any suggestions or best practices for how to manage these many number of APIs
Hi Imran,
have you tried “https://:/ws”?
This should list all available WebServices, when they are defined as “doument/literal”.
Hi Hoger,
Thanks for the response, my I am looking for how to create and maintain integration catalogue in manner which can be shared with non technical people as well if required. So if there is something we can export from IS and import into excel it will be helpful
In the past there used to be something called UDDI registry to which we would publish the web service so that there is a catalog of the services that are available. Off late i believe you can use a combination of API Gateway\Portal to create a similar catalog. For future, i read in the documentation that we are going to have a new product called API Control plane that will work with API Gateway to provide similar functionality. I am not sure about the future roadmap of the API Portal but in current version that is the place where you can setup the web services catalog.
Having said that, IBM has yet to share an official roadmap for webMethods products so no one knows which products in the wM Suite will be available and which one will be dropped in future release. There is a lack of communication from the vendor on it. If you do not want to wait for IBM to release a roadmap or what plans they have for the product then I would recommend you build your own Service catalog based on the recommendations what Holger has provided above. Create a UI application and call the “https://:/ws” to get all the list of web services from the server and group them based on functionality for serving the catalog.
The Developer Portal should fulfill your requirements.
However I am not sure it can be sold “standalone” without the API Gateway.
You should contact your sales rep. or your CSM to discuss the matter.
IBM only bought webMethods 5 weeks ago, please be a little patient for an official roadmap.
What I can say is, our product management team is already talking to some customers to provide vision and clarifications. And this isn’t to announce them the end of the webMethods flagship products!
I understand with a large acquisition things are going to take time to settle in but unfortunately for the customers their world does not stop and they have to come up with workarounds(this topic) while IBM diligently works through their roadmap. As a long time community member I am eager to see what vision is instore for wM product suite. Good luck!
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