Hi There,
We are currently using webMethods 10.3 with latest patch fix version.
Currently our on prem servers are connected to IBM WebSphere MQ provider using JNDI bindings and JMS connections. We have more than 50+ integrations using this method (jms.send) to push messages which is read by the on prem Sterling OM system.
There is a new requirement for us to connect to the IBM MQ’s that present in the Sterling Order Management platform in cloud(as part of cloud migration).
Since we have high number of connections, we want to keep the changes minimal and try use the same patter of JNDI bindings/JMS method so that we have only few moving/changing components.
But we are being told that ST MQ in SaaS cannot create bindings or cannot even provide the JNDI Context/Connection factory details for us to put in a binding file.
All they have shared is the below information, and I am not sure how we can use this to connect to cloud MQ with this:
Queue Manager name: ABC_TEST
Hostname: https://cloudhostname:15443
Port: 15443
Queue : CreateOrder_V1
We were provided with this IBM Documentation, which contains the above information.
Can some guide here on how to proceed ? A ticket has also been raised which is still under investigation