This document will enable you to use Workday connector on In order to make use of Workday connector you must have
- Valid Workday account with minimal understanding of Workday API and API version
Steps to get started
1. Creating Workday account on
2. Choosing Workday Service and Operation
3. Perform CRUD operations
1. Creating Workday account on
Workday connector does not have any predefined operation exposed. Once you drag Workday in the workflow you will be asked to choose an operation. You can click on the
icon next to the drop down which will take you to below screen.As per the above screen, you can see that you will need an account in order to connect with workday before you could perform any operation.
You have to click on
icon next to connector to Workday dropdown. Once you click on the icon, you will be prompted withYou will find below the fields in the above screen. Refer below the table for connection fields explanation.
S. No |
Connection Field |
Description |
1 |
Account Name |
Provide a name for your account. Connection name should not start with a number or any special character and max limit should be 36. |
2 |
Server URL |
The login endpoint to initiate communication with the SaaS provider. Specify the correct URL for your exact instance, for example:https://<instance><tenantID>/ You need to replace the instance and tenantID. You can find these values in your Workday login URL. |
3 |
Username |
The Workday user name appended with workday tenantID. Example: username@tenantID |
4 |
Password |
The password of the Workday account. |
5 |
Authorization Type |
Your username password will be presented to Workday in order to authenticate in an API call using a WS-Header in each API call. Authorization Type will be set by default to none which should not be changed. |
6 |
Version |
SOAP API version of Workday. This is a mandatory field. Get the version value from soapbind:address location in your WSDL file. For example, if the soapbind:address location is, then the version you need to specify in this field is v31.1. Default: v31.1. By default, the version value is set to v31.1. Although you can choose another version the only constrain is the WSDL must be compatible with v31.1. In case if the version is not compatible while selecting the service, you will encounter validation error and will not be able to proceed with operation creation/execution. |
You will also find a few more connection fields which are generic to all the connector. You can find the details in documentation.
Once you populate the values in the connection field. Click on
Choosing Workday Service and Operation
As shown in above diagram, name your operation and provide the description if needed. Choose the Workday function areas listed in the picklist. For more details on the function areas refer Workday API documentation.
Once done click on
When you click on next, fetches your custom WSDL of the version mentioned in connection for the functional area which you have chosen. Once the WSDL is fetched, WSDL will be validated with operation of Workday WSDL v31.1 for compatibility. Once the validation is successful you will be prompted with operations available in the chosen service as shown in below snap.
Once you choose the operation click on
In a case where the validation fails you will be prompted with below screen
As shown in the below operation you will be prompted to provide the correct Path from where to fetch the WSDL and to Browse your WSDL file. You must choose any one option.
Once you choose any one of the options click on , will validate the WSDL with the operation of Workday WSDL v31.1 for compatibility. Once the validation is successful you will be prompted with operations available in the chosen service.
Also, note that in case of failure above screen will only enable you to choose the operation after providing the correct WSDL but operation execution will still make use of the connection you have made. In case of any connection-level changes you must do it before the execution of the operation.
Once you make selection of operation click on . This will prompt you below screen.
Click on .
3. Perform CRUD operations
Once you are done selecting the account and operation you will see the initial screen with populated values as below (In this example, Get_Organizations operation from Human Resource service is used.)
Click on . You will be prompted to the screen below. Provide the required inputs and transformations.
Click on . You can test the operation using Test button. Click on