webMethods Cloud Container Connector for webMethods.io Integration


This article explains how to invoke integrations deployed to webMethods Cloud Container in webMethods.io Integration.

What is webMethods Cloud Container?

What is webMethods Cloud Container connector?

  • This connector allows you re-use integrations deployed to webMethods Cloud Container in workflows and flow services developed and hosted within webMethods.io Integration.


Using webMethods Cloud Container Connector

As an example, in this article let us build a simple flow service. Pick the webMethods Cloud Container connector from the connectors catalogue.

Click on settings icon to configure the Cloud container credentials and operations.

Click on + to create action,

Configure the webMethods Cloud Container platform URL, and credentials.


Provide Operation details – Name and Description

Select the operation as execute,

Browse the required solution, server, package, folder and service to be invoked.

Select the inputs and outputs for the service.

Confirm all the configurations,

Now, this operation can be used in flowservices,