This article describes configuring an account to Twilio in Workflow
• Active Twilio account
• Active Integration tenant
Section 1: Configure a Twilio account
Section 2: Setting up a Twilio account in Integration tenant
Section 1. Configure a Twilio account
You can use the default project or create a new custom project. To create a project, click on the dropdown in the top left corner and select Create New Project option.
- Fill in required fields and verify your account to create the project.
- Note down Account SID and Auth Token.
Section 2: Setting up Twilio account in Integration Workflow
Login to Integration tenant and choose your project or click on + to create new project.
Switch to Connectors tab.
Search for Twilio connector in the available connectors list.
- Mouse hover on the Twilio connector icon and then click on the + icon.
- Fill in the Account name, Username (Account SID) and Password (Auth token) obtained from Step 4. Click on Add.
- An account for Twilio connector has been added successfully, it can now be used in Workflows or Flowservices.