I just installed security within the console of Tamino WebDAV Server on Windows2k via:
inodavconfig install security
which I believe ran successfully.
The output is attached.
However I am unable to connect as an OS user.
I provisionally uncommented the security constraints in web.xml to have a look what appears in:
which is empty.
Is there anything I can do to trace what goes wrong here?
install_security.txt (5.75 KB)
Hi Guido,
the install output you attached to your posting looks o.k. Is your user in an OS group, where the group is added as role to the web.xml file? Did you add the domain in the following manner to the userid during login mydomain\myuser ? The webdav docu describes under “security\Webdav Security Setup” the different config steps, done by the ‘inodavconfig install security’. Please follow these steps in the docu and check if the settings in your environment are done in the right way.
regards Eckehard
Thanks Eckehard,
that did help (typing “mydomain\myuser”).
I feel stupid
I just was irritated by the fact that if I comment out the security constraints, the user database is not “mounted” below
or maybe I am just not entitled to see it?
However, now I want to use LDAP and can’t get it to work. There are a bunch of parameters that could be wrong or misspelled or whatever (although I checked all of them a hundred times).
Is there any log or any debugging information I can turn on to see what happens within the tomcat realm.
(Is it at least able to contact my LDAP server? etc.)
Thanks again for taking care!
Just got it to work (after checking 101st time
Hi Guido,
what we do is, we have an own Tomcat Realm implementation, allowing us to do authentication against OS, LDAP and Tamino. What you can do for having log is, you can switch on the logging of our authentication tool, used by our Realm implementation. For switch on log, define the nativeLogFile and the nativeLogLevel Realm parameter in the server.xml like e.g. nativeLogLevel=“6” nativeLogFile=“C:\webdav.log”
regards Eckehard