Install 4x jar's in 6x IS

Hello All,

As a person new to webMethods, I will require your help to grasp the ideas. But for now, can anyone help me in understanding how do we install 4x jar files(Code) in the WM 6x IS.

I need to Upgrade an Integration from 4x to 6x but I would like to have a look at the current code in 4x, how do I go about this.

Can you tell us more abou the “4x Integration”? Which webMethods products are involved? Broker only or IS and Broker?


Thanks Mark for your prompt response. What I have with me is some “.ADL” files of the 4x code which I received from the IS. What I want to do is to look into the 4x code. I dont have 4x WM IS installed on my workstation.

I have to develop a new 6x integration referring the 4x code. So is there any tool in which I can check the 4x code and do the same in 6x Upgrade.


Please use the search functionality in this forum keyword is “ADL” there are some thread discussions.Here is what it came up.


Thread more specific on how to import broker ADL files to IS6.x Broker


ADL files contain broker metadata typically created using broker_save command but also can be done from either the old WmBrokerAdmin or the new MwS Broker Administration portlets.

ADLs can also contain Broker-based application business logic created using the old Active Software development tools (Enterprise Integrator, Manager, Monitor, Doc Tracker, etc.

Other than the fact that Integration Server can communicate with Broker and that you can create document types from Broker documents (aka Events), the “application” contained in your ADL likely has nothing whatsoever to do with Integration Server.

You can certainly migrate the documents, client groups and other meta-data to Broker 6.x and use those definitions to build new IS integrations.

You may also get some benefit from exploring the migration tools described in the Pre-6.0 Enterprise to webMethods 6 Upgrade Guide document on Advantage.


I think there is no alternative to analyze the “code” written in ActiveWorks Enterprise Integrator but to view it in Activeworks EI and other Activeworks tools.
