In which folder should i place JAR file in Integration Server

Hi folks, I just created a Java Service via SAG Designer. However, I need to use an external class to fulfill my service. Does any one know where I can place the JAR file of this external class in Integration Server?

Ronnie She


Did you try placing the custom jar under

C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\lib\jars\custom → this is outside the instance, so only new/updated instances can accomodate this


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I prefer placing the custom jar(s) specific to a package Java service and not global to IS.

Place it in /code/jars or /code/jars/static on the package file system on the IS server . On designer, you have to import the jars to your build path during compilation.

If you still want to place the jar globally where this jar is shared and accessible to the IS (default instance) then the path will be

C:\SoftwareAG103\IntegrationServer\instances\default\lib\jars\custom, restart the IS if you choose this location.

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Thanks Nanthini, just wondering why do we have so many place to put JAR files. Do you mind to elaborate what are the functions of paths below?

  1. C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\instances\default\lib\jars

  2. C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\instances\default\lib\jars\custom

  3. C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\lib\jars\custom

Ronnie She


I prefer to place the jars locally to the package under /code/jars, /code/jars/static is only required when the jar has a native lib part like i.e. SAP JCo API.
The native part should be placed under lib directory.
When the jar needs to be globally available, the lib/jars/custom should be used.
lib/jars should be used on older IS versions which do not have the custom sub directory available.
