Implementing Round Trip with C1 onramp

Has anyone ever implemented round trip using the C1 on ramp? I am just starting with this and feel like I am going in circles from a C1 document to a SAP document to a webMethods document.

To initiate the round trip, I believe that I should have BuySite send the outbond response to the webMethods server. Then I would use the built in round trip services that are located in the C1 on ramp to create and maintain the shopping cart while on the website. Then the return cart will come back to webMethods in XML format. I will probably need to format it to xCBL, then send back to BuySite to begin processing.

Does this sound like the right flow of information?

Should C1 provide me with code to reside on the website, and with that code will I understand how to do this further?

Does either C1 or webMethods provide any documentation that is not either outdated or say "refer to detailed C1 documentation’ that doesn’t exist?

For the wM service ‘createRoundtrip response’ the input is ‘catalog header’. This is the first service call, so I assume that I need to manually input values, but don’t know where to start.

I tried to look at Ariba punchout for comparison, but I feel as though that is leading me astry as well.

Any information provided would be great…

I’ll describe the high-level process I used a couple years ago to implement the Ariba punchout process. Perhaps it will be helpful for figuring out C1 round trip.

  1. Ariba network initiates a session by doing a punchout request to the wM server.

  2. The wM server establishes a session by writing data to a db used by the web site. The wM server builds the redirection URL and sends that back to Ariba.

  3. Ariba redirects the user to the web site. The URL contains the session identifiers that the site uses to establish the session from the data written to the db by wM. While on the site, the user can do whatever (shop, load the cart, empty the cart, whatever).

  4. When the user is ready to check-out, they do whatever your site has for check-out (follow a link, mash a button, etc.).

  5. The web site passes the shopping cart to wM (using wM client API), which formats the cart in the format needed by Ariba. The XML string is passed back to the web page.

  6. The web page uses the string to prepare the final check-out page. When submitted, the page posts the form to the Ariba URL. This is referred to as the “indirect” method.

Presumably the C1 OnRamp is similar in approach. Hope this helps.