Hybrid Monitoring Agent as Integration Server package

1. Introduction

The installation and configuration of the End-to-End Monitoring Hybrid Monitoring Agent using the Software AG installer to your webMethods Integration Server or Micro Services Runtime involves numerous manual steps. These manual steps tend to be error prone and time consuming. This feature simplifies your installation and configuration procedure. The Hybrid Monitoring Agent can now be installed as an Integration Server package that consists of a user interface to configure End-to-End Monitoring.

2. What is hybrid monitoring

A hybrid integration involves transactions that span multiple Software AG products and includes both cloud and on-premises products. As part of the End-to-End Monitoring capability, Hybrid Monitoring assists in monitoring the hybrid integration transaction to provide you with a complete view of your integration landscape, regardless of the topology of your IT infrastructure.

3. Limitations of the installer-based Hybrid Monitoring Agent

  • Hybrid monitoring setup after installing through the Software AG Installer is error prone due to the numerous manual steps required for the configuration.
  • Hybrid Monitoring support is only available for versions above Integration Server 10.7 and API Gateway 10.11. You are required to upgrade your Integration Server and API Gateway, if you need Hybrid Monitoring support for older versions of Integration Server and API Gateway.

4. Advantages of the IS package-based Hybrid Monitoring Agent

  • You are not required to make any manual changes in the configuration files for Hybrid Monitoring setup.
  • You can view or modify agent related configuration through a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
  • Agent to collector connectivity status is available to you in the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Status is Online when connected, or Offline.
  • Latest agent log information statements are directly streamed to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for your quick reference.
  • Hybrid Monitoring support is available for older versions, for example, Integration Server 10.3. See the following Supported Versions for more information.

In the event of configuration changes in your environment, you will not be required to make these changes again. The new implementation allows you to compare your changes easily and only checkout the changed files.

5. Supported Versions

webMethods API Gateway

Operating System 10.15 10.11 10.7 10.5 10.3
Linux Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Windows Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MacOS Yes Yes No No No
AIX Yes Yes No No No

Integration Server

Operating System 10.15 10.11 10.7 10.5 10.3
Linux Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MacOS Yes Yes No No No
AIX Yes Yes No No No

Micro Services Runtime

Operating System 10.15 10.11 10.7 10.5 10.3
Linux Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Windows Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MacOS No No No No No
AIX No No No No No


If your Software AG on-premises product version or operating system is not listed or supported, contact Software AG Global support with details about your Software AG product and operating system. We will assess the feasibility of providing support for your specific requirement.

6. Pre-requisites and setup

Before you begin

  • Start the Integration Server.
  • Note that two IS packages are available. Do not install both these packages together.
Product Package
For Integration Server and Micro Services Runtime WmE2EMIntegrationAgent
For webMethods API Gateway WmE2EMAPIAgent

These packages provide you with an intuitive web interface to configure and manage your End-to-End Monitoring agent. The agent’s collector connectivity status is available to you in the Graphical User Interface. In case of debugging requirements, the web interface directly provides you with logs for analysis. The web interface also facilitates you to restore a previous configuration with a single click.


  • From v10.15 onwards, product code UHM has changed to UHA. If you come across a file name with UHA in it, consider it the same as a UHM file.

7. To start a new installation of IS package-based Hybrid Monitoring Agent

  1. Click here to obtain webMethods Package Manager (WPM). Download the latest packages using WPM from here.

For WPM installation, use the following format:

wpm install -d <IntegrationServerInstallationLocation till packages folder> -ws https://packages.softwareag.com -wr public <packagename WmE2EMIntegrationAgent/WmE2EMAPIAgent>:<tagname>

For example:

  • Integration Server:
    wpm install -d C:\IS\Installations\IntegrationServer\instances\default -ws https://packages.softwareag.com -wr public WmE2EMIntegrationAgent:v10.15.0.1
  • Microservices Runtime:
    wpm install -d C:\MSR\IntegrationServer\ -ws https://packages.softwareag.com -wr public WmE2EMIntegrationAgent:v10.15.0.1
  • API Gateway:
    wpm install -d C:\API\IntegrationServer\instances\default -ws https://packages.softwareag.com -wr public WmE2EMAPIAgent:v10.15.0.1
  1. In Integration Server Administration, go to Packages > Management > Activate Inactive Packages, to apply this package to a running Integration Server without restarting it.

  2. Select the checked-out package from the drop-down menu and click Activate.

  3. In Administration , go to Packages > Management . In the package list, look for WmE2EMIntegrationAgent/WmE2EMAPIAgent and click on the corresponding Home icon.

  4. Verify the End-to-End Monitoring Connection Status . Check the status of agent to collector connectivity (Online/Offline) once the product configuration is complete.

  5. Verify the End-to-End Monitoring log file contains the required details once the product configuration is complete.

  6. Under product configuration section, verify the custom wrapper configuration for Integration Server and the End-to-End Monitoring configuration to be added to custom_wrapper.conf . Click Merge to append the End-to-End Monitoring configuration into the custom_wrapper.conf file.

  7. Use the Restore option to restore the custom wrapper back to your previous configuration.

  8. Verify End-to-End Monitoring agent configuration. Click Edit , to modify the agent configuration and click Update to save your changes.

  9. You will be prompted to restart the Integration Server, after the custom_wrapper.conf or agent.conf files are successfully updated.

Upon successful connection and registration, the graphical user interface displays the Online status on End-to-End Monitoring along with the necessary logs.

To upgrade an existing installation of Hybrid Monitoring Agent already on the package-based approach

Integration Server

  1. Stop Integration Server.
  2. Upgrade the package to the tag that matches your Integration Server version and End-to-End Monitoring fix release from here using WPM.
    wpm update -d C:\IS\Installations\instances\default -ws https://packages.softwareag.com -wr public WmE2EMIntegrationAgent:v10.15.0.2
  3. Start Integration Server.


The tag name format is <IntegrationServerVersion.EndToEndMonitoringFixVersion>. To find the available releases of the package:

  1. Click here.
  2. Click on the relevant package, WmE2EMIntegrationAgent or WmE2EMAPIAgent.
  3. Click on the version drop-down.

webMethods API Gateway

  1. Stop Integration Server.
  2. Upgrade the package to the tag that matches your Integration Server version and End-to-End Monitoring fix release from here using WPM.
    wpm update -d C:\IS\Installations\instances\default -ws https://packages.softwareag.com -wr public WmE2EMIntegrationAgent:v10.15.0.2
  3. Overwrite the file:
    with this file:
  4. Start Integration Server.


The tag name format is <IntegrationServerVersion.EndToEndMonitoringFixVersion>. To find the available releases of the package:

  1. Click here.
  2. Click on the relevant package, WmE2EMIntegrationAgent or WmE2EMAPIAgent.
  3. Click on the version drop-down.

To upgrade an existing installation of Hybrid Monitoring Agent installed using the Software AG installer approach

If you have an existing hybrid monitoring agent setup installed using the Software AG Installer and Software AG Update Manager based fixes, use the following steps to install IS package-based hybrid monitoring agent.

  1. Uninstall the existing End-to-End Monitoring setup using the Software AG installer.
  2. Remove the custom_wrapper.conf changes previously configured during the Software AG installer based setup.
  3. Remove any copied jar files or packages from integration or lib folders previously configured during the Software AG installer based setup.
  4. Read the New installation section to install hybrid monitoring agent using package-based approach.

Uninstalling an agent

To completely uninstall the End-to-End Monitoring agent from the Integration Server:

  1. In Integration Server, go to Administration > Packages > Management. In the Package List, click the Home icon for the WmE2EMIntegrationAgent or WmE2EMAPIAgent package. In the End-to-End Monitoring Status and Configuration page, Product Configuration section, click Restore.
  2. Optionally, in Integration Server, go to Administration > Packages > Management. In the Package List, click the Delete icon for the WmE2EMIntegrationAgent or WmE2EMAPIAgent package.


For Integration Server, Microservices Runtime and API Gateway:

  • To see segment traces of on-premises transactions in logs, set all log levels to DEBUG in <INSTALL-DIR>\packages\<IS-E2EM package name>\resources\agent\config\e2ecustomlogback.properties.
  • The agent.trace_transfer_interval=${SW_AGENT_TRACE_TRANSFER_INTERVAL property defines the interval between each write operation to the file, and also defines the data send interval through the gRPC channel. Reduce this time interval from the default value of 18000 ms, to shorter segment trace writes if you prefer a faster sync time.


For Integration Server and Microservices Runtime only:

  • If your Integration Server setup supports multiple tenant connections and you are also using a custom tenant connection, edit the agent.config file from the user interface and set the below properties:
    agent.onprem_multitenant_alias = ${SW_AGENT_ONPREM_MULTITENANT_ALIAS:default}: Un-comment this property, replace default with your tenant connection name, and restart the Integration Server.


For API Gateway only:

  • End-to-End Monitoring, by default monitors all the on-premises webMethods API Gateway calls with the tag e2em.
  • End-to-End Monitoring can trace transactions belonging to a single tenant, even if end-to-end transactions involve multiple API Gateway tenants at a time.


e2ecustomlogback.xml file path for Integration Server:

  • Package-based: <INSTALL-DIR>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\<IS-E2EM package name>\resources\agent\config\

e2ecustomlogback.xml file path for Microservices Runtime:

  • Package-based: <INSTALL-DIR>\IntegrationServer\packages\<IS-E2EM package name>\resources\agent\config\

9. Verification and FAQs

To verify your IS package-based setup

  1. In Administration, go to Packages > Management. In the package list, look for WmE2EMIntegrationAgent or WmE2EMAPIAgent and click on the corresponding Home icon.

  2. The graphical user interface displays an Online agent collector connectivity status, if your installation is successful.


Why do I see a blank page when I click on the Home icon in the IS package list?

Verify if WmE2EMAPIAgent and WmE2EMIntegrationAgent are checked out together, since only one package is supported per instance. Retain any one package as per your requirement and restart the Integration Server.

Why does Integration Server fail to start up after installing End-to-End Monitoring agent?

Integration Server fails to start up after installing End-to-End Monitoring agent for either of the following reasons:

  • custom_wrapper.conf file contains old installed directory details. Remove the old entries and restart the Integration Server.
  • IS package is in disabled or inactive state. In Administration, go to Packages > Management, enable the IS package and restart Integration Server.
  • custom_wrapper.conf file is corrupt. Restore the file from your backup file and restart Integration Server.

Why is the agent collector connectivity status Offline ?

  • Check your logs from the web interface and verify if the agent has started without any issues.
  • Verify the end point URL in the agent.config file.
  • Verify your cloud settings.
  • Restart Integration Server for the above changes to take effect.

Why do changes to agent.config file not take effect?

Restart the Integration Server for configuration changes in agent.config file to take effect.