This document consists of detailed steps of how to upgrade webMethods Insight from previous version.
1. Introduction
This document is intended to help with webMethods Insight upgrading. At the end of this article, you will know how to,
- What is the process for upgrading Insight Management Server / Insight Agent?
- How to upgrade Insight Management Server / Insight Agent?
2. Setup
Have listed below Software AG components in Windows environment. Ideally, you can use any supported version of Software AG products in any supported Operating system and supported version of webMethods Insight.
- Integration server (v10.1 Integration sever vanilla Intsllation has support for Insight 2015 SP1 HF17 and HF13).
- WebMethods Insight 2015 SP1 HF17/2015 SP1 HF13 an official released version (include both Insight Server and Insight Agent).
- Universal Messaging v10.1.
- Broker v9.6
- Install Insight 2015 SP1 HF13 Server/Agent.
- Database is oracle/sqlserver, not derby (Embedded)
- Instrument Application Server (webMethods Integration Server) with Agent.
- Have IS Service traffic in Insight Management Server.
Image1: Node Level Traffic view in Insight server
Image2: IS Service Level(Path Explorer) Traffic view in Insight server
Refer to Quick Start Guide in Tech community for detailed install instructions
Quick start with webMethods insight
Refer to webMethods Insight- Discover and Insight IS Guide in Tech community for Instrumenting, Discovering and Monitoring Integration Server in Insight Server.
- If you are using Insight database other than embedded one, please make sure to have a
copy(export) of that data and exporting of the database will vary from one database engine to another. - Shut down the software. This ensures that the most recent configuration changes are reflected in the configuration file.
- Backup the Configuration Files. Do not skip this step! The existing configuration file will form the basis for the configuration of the new server, so it should be backed up before we go any further.
- The configuration is contained in these files:
Installation Platform |
Files |
Windows® OS |
From the Insight Server installation directory, config\ActionalServer.xml and config\Jetty.db |
UNIX/Linux OS |
From the Insight Server installation directory, config\ActionalServer.xml and config\Jetty.db |
- Shut down the application server(s) you instrumented using the interceptors.
Below are the two ways to upgrade the product(s) (Insight Management Server, Insight Agent) :
- Product Replacement
- Replacing the war files: User may upgrade the product by directly copying the war files located under $<Product_HOME>_Installer\webapps folder. eg: To upgrade Insight Management Server, replace the 'actional-jetty.war' and 'lgagent.war' files.
Product Replacement
- The generally recommended way to upgrade the software is to uninstall the previous version of the product and install the new version in its place.
- This ensures that all the components are brought up to date with the latest version.
- To maximize the ease of installation you should opt to install the new version of the product in the same directory that was used to install the previous version.
- Ensure The current version of Insight Server/Agent, Version used here is Insight HF13 SP1 2015.
To know the version info, Login to Insight server and navigate to Settings->Platform->General Configuration
- Shutdown all Application server(s) which are Instrumented with Insight.
- Uninstall the current version(HF13)both Insight Server and Agent
Insight Server(HF13) Uninstallation
To uninstall navigate to File system <Insight Agent Installation Folder>/Uninstall_Actional_ Server and invoke Uninstall_Actional_ Server.exe
Click continue
Click Done
Insight AgentHF13(Uninstallation)
To uninstall navigate to File system <Insight Agent Installation Folder>/Uninstall_Actional_ Agent and invoke Uninstall_Actional_ Agent.exe
Once Uninstaller is invoked Click Next -> Click Next and Click Continue
Click Done
- Install latest version HF17 in above previously uninstalled folder.
Install the latest version InsightServer HF17 SP1
Invoke HF17 Server Installer
Click Next
Click Next
Reinstall or Upgrade on the same location
- Click Next> Click Next
Click Install
Default Profile exists and hence will not be re-created.
Click Done
Install latest version Insight AgentHF 17 SP1
Invoke HF17 AgentInstaller
- Click Next> Click Next
Click Install
Default Profile exists and hence will not be re-created.
- Log in to Insight server and Insight Agent and check for the data and configurations which were done earlier as a part of previous version Insight HF13 is present or not, If present then Upgrade is completely successfull
After upgrade, To know the version info, Login to Insight sever and navigate to Settings->Platform ->General Configuration
Replacing the WAR FILE
Insight software can also be upgraded by replacing the application WAR file that is running on your application server. There are two steps to this process:
- Extract the new WAR file.
- Replace your existing WAR file.
For standalone installation on the Jetty application server, you should also replace the actional.jetty.war to keep both applications in sync with each other.
Extracting the new WAR file
Alternately to extracting the WAR file yourself, you may obtain the WAR file directly from the FTP site. If you are not updating interceptors, you can skip the interceptor deployment post-installation step.
- Start the new installer file.
- Create a new installation in a location different from your existing installation.
- Open the webapps folder inside the installation directory.
- You will see a file that you will use to update the application.
For Insight Server lgserver.war and actional jetty war
For Insight Agent lgagent.war and actional jetty war
- Redeploy the software. This method varies depending on the application server used; for example, if you use the standalone version with an application server you only need to restart the application server.
Replacing your existing WAR file with the new one
- Open the installation directory for your existing software installation.
- Open the webapps folder.
- Replace the WAR file with the new file.
For Insight Server lgserver.war and actional jetty war
For Insight Agent lgagent.war and actional jetty war
Import the Configuration File
This step is only necessary if the new version of the Insight Server has failed to import your existing configuration automatically after being restarted.
From the administration interface:
- Click Configure.
- Click the Deployment tab.
- In the left pane, click Import.
- In the Import Files to Insight Server section of the page click on the Browse button.
- Select the ActionalServer.xml you backed up at the beginning of the upgrade process.
- Click the Validate Files button to verify that the file can be imported cleanly.
- Select the ActionalServer.xml you backed up at the beginning of the upgrade process (again).
- Click the Import button to import the previous configuration. Once this is done the previous configuration will be active. There is no need to restart the server.
6. Reference
For More details, please go through the following documents
- Insight Server Installation Guide
- Insight Agent Installation Guide