Hybrid B2B: Bring your Business to Business platform to the cloud


With more and more companies moving to the cloud, demand increases for integration of SaaS offerings using cloud integration platforms but also for your B2B – business to business, in the cloud as a service. But most companies do not start in the cloud from scratch; they still have systems running on-premises, in a container environment, or as a cloud platform service (PaaS - Platform as a service). Usually the systems running there are not exposed as a service or even shall not because of security reasons. You still need to integrate those systems with your new world, and this is where hybrid B2B comes into place.

Hybrid B2B

For hybrid B2B, we combine three products of the webMethods stack, each of them being powerful tools themselves but bringing great synergies when combined.

webMethods.io B2B is our cloud-hosted B2B platform built with more than 20 years of experience with trading networks as one of the leading B2B servers. We will use the capabilities:

  • Partner management
  • Document definition and recognition
  • Processing and routing rules
  • Monitoring

webMethods.io Integration is our cloud-hosted integration platform for SaaS integration. For hybrid B2B, the most interesting capabilities are:

  • SaaS integration
  • Mapping, transformation, and processing
  • Integration of on-premise services via hybrid integration

webMethods Microservice Runtime we will use for:

  • On-Premise integration
  • Mapping, transformation, and processing of on-premise services and APIs

How to do it

I wrote 3 articles and recorded a video for each of them showing, how you can do this with webMethods:

  • B2B as a service: connect a partner via webMethods.io B2B will show you how to connect to a partner via webMethods.io B2B, how to onboard the partner, define documents and rules for the exchange, and how to finally send and receive business documents.

  • Hybrid Integration: Expose a local service to webMethods.io integration will demonstrate how to expose an on-premise service to webMethods.io Integration and have it in an IPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service).

  • Hybrid B2B: Integrate webMethods.io B2B with webMethods.io Integration will bring those two parts together by including the exposed on-premise service in a cloud-hosted integration flow and calling this by the processing rule of webMethods.io B2B.

Articles & Videos

B2B as a Service: Connect a Partner via webMethods.io B2B

Article: B2B as a Service: Connect a Partner via webMethods.io B2B
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp532ZGfOks

Hybrid Integration: Expose a local service to webMethods.io Integration

Article: Hybrid Integration: Expose a local service to webMethods.io integration
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTCTon0V1Ww

Hybrid B2B: Bring the pieces together - integrate webMethods.io B2B with webMethods.io Integration

Article: Hybrid B2B: Integrate webMethods.io B2B with webMethods.io Integration
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNnWlISafts

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