How to test the no-regression between wMe 6.1 and 4.11

Dear All,

I’m fully involved in a migration project from Enterprise 4.11 to IS 6.1
and I’m in the Testing step of the new 6.1 developments.

I would like to know if someone has best practices to do efficient no-regression tests between the 2 versions and if someone knows some tools to automate the testing labour: How to compare 4.11 documents with 6.1 ones…

Thanks for your help



Hi Remy,

I sawed following tool WMUNIT. You can read more under following link. I don�t know how effective this tool is.

We make regression testing as executing list of services and collect results then compare results with results from second execution of other test environment. Our application generates XML files, and we compare these XML files. This kind of regression testing is enough for us.

It is very easy to me made service which execute, one by one service which should be tested, and to store results to file and later use tool for XML comparing.

We migrate too from 4.1 to 6.1 and it was successfully. We had only problems with some JavaServices.

Krasimri Zlatev