How to stop a server without SMH

We have a broker running on a box that we have no direct access to, so we cannot use the System Management Hub there. Is there any way to stop a server from the command line? I can see which services are running using etbinfo, but have not been able to look at the individual servers. An RPC server can be terminated using SYSRPC, but the server I wanted to stop is a Natural program (actually it is an Attach Manager). I would like to know how to stop any server without using SMH.

What operating system is running on this box ? Is SMH running on the box ?

We have a number of different boxes, all running some flavour of Unix, and different versions of Entire X. On most of them SMH was not installed. The particular box where I had the problem yesterday happens to be SCO Unix and Entire X version 611. This customer is about to be upgraded to Red Hat 4 and the latest versions of the SAG software. We will still not have direct access to the box so still won’t be able to use SMH from our PCs. This is really a general question about whether there is an etbcmd to stop a server on any of these boxes. At the moment if anybody wants to stop a server they use a “kill” command, which means the server is still active in the broker.

Hi Priscilla,

if you have a local instance of EntireX & SMH you can also administer remote Brokers.
Click on “EntireX Broker”, choose “Add Remote Broker”, define the Broker ID (hostname:portnumber) and set the user credentials (userid is sufficient if the Broker runs without security). Then you can expand the tree for the remote Broker, click on Server and you get the choice to deregister them.

Maybe I have misunderstood you and you do not have TCP/IP access to the box where the broker is running.

In the $EXXDIR/$EXXVERS/bin you should find an executable etbcmd which you can use to shutdown any server. You might need to run etbinfo first to get the physical userid of the Server you want to terminate.

Thanks for your prompt replies - I tried to reply from my home PC but couldn’t for some unknown reason!
I see now how I should have explained the situation - you are quite right - I don’t have direct TCP/IP access to the box. We log on to Box A and from there telnet to Box B. Using etbinfo -b ETB175 -d SERVICES I can see what services are running. I would like to see the actual servers but etbinfo -b ETB175 -d SERVER gives me “error inforequest INFO: Nothing found for this request”. I also would like to stop a server using etbcmd but cannot figure out how to do this.

Where is the Broker (ETB175) in your environment? You do not need TCP/IP access to where the servers are running to shut them down, just access to the box where Broker is running.

ETB175 is on box B. I am running etbinfo and etbcmd from box B

Dear Priscilla,

perhaps i understood your question wrong but i want to explain it, how you delete Servers without SMH.

First you must find out the USER-IDs !

If a Services has 2 Servers, you must kill them first.

How can you find out the USR-IDs ?

etbinfo -b -d -n -c -s -p -f

for Example :

etbinfo -bETBXXX -dSERVER -nAAABBBCC -cRPC -sCALLNAT -f"%P-USER-ID" Directory must be shared ! or you define it in PATH ;


you have now for our example 2 USER-IDs ;



  1. USER-ID is


  1. USER-ID is


and now we can kill them :

etbcmd -bETBXXX -dSERVER -cSHUTDOWN -oIMMED -p30344E6F7620372D3233313734352D3030303030312D303030303435

etbcmd -bETBXXX -dSERVER -cSHUTDOWN -oIMMED -p30344E6F7620372D3233313734352D3030303030312D303030303436

Thankyou thankyou thankyou!
Exactly what I was looking for