How to setup processing rule in TN to process inbounding EDIINT

I am trying to do the inbound edi transaction from Cyclone4.2 via EDIINT AS2 with IS 6.1 . My question is where can I call my own service to process the inbound EDI X12. In the default inbound processing rule for EDI its calling the wm.EDIINT.rules:processMsg service.But how can I process this EDIINT. Do I need to use the default processing rule EDIINT Process message,if yes then where will I call my service? Please advice me the steps to follow to do the inbound transaction for EDI.
Thank you very much in Advance!!

Kenny see page 26 of the wm EDIINT users guide.
You need to configure EDIINT to submit payload to TN. Then the EDI envelope looks just like regular EDI and processes as such.


Hi Chris,
Thank you for advice.I do configure EDIINT to submit payload to TN.But my confusion is how I add my own service to process the payload after it’s automatically submited to TN.Also,I setup the EDI X12 850,855,856,997 etc…
Thanks again!


Create a rule that matches your Sender and Receiver. Specify the DocumentType as X12 Envelope. Then in the Action Tab specify the service to call. See the wmEDISamples package or search this group on what steps to take in your service.


Thanks for your great help!Now I have more questions :
1.Our TN6.1 is connecting with partner’s Cyclone4.2 using EDIINT AS2.TN did receive EDI X12 data from Cyclone,but it occures error “Security check failed” when executing ProcessMSG processing rule.Please see the attached file.
2.The sender and receiver in EDI data are A and B,qualifier are ZZ.We set the sender ZZA and receiver ZZB in TN and in Cyclone.Because Cyclone needs this format of sender and receiver to decide partners for EDI data.I don’t know if it lead to such error.
3.I think processing rule to execute my own service should be processed after ProcessMSG submits payload to TN.Is it right ? And how can I get the payload from TN?(Pipeline?)Sorry ,I’m so confused.
Thank you…

Did it correctly identify the Sender and receiver for the EDIINT msg?
Did you set up the correct External ID Type/Value pairs to correspond to what they are sending in the ISA for the payload?
You will need to do both.

As for question 3 see the X12ToValues service in the wmEDISamples package.

Thank you so much Chris!I wanted to set up the correct External ID Type/Value(Mutually Defined/senderID) pairs to correspond to what they are sending in the ISA for the payload.
But Cyclone recognize senderID and receiverID only if Cyclone’s senderID is like ZZ+senderID and receiverID is like ZZ+receiverID.This format don’t match that in TN.So,in order to receive the EDI data,I must set up the External ID Type/Value(Mutually Defined/ZZ+senderID).I don’t think it’s right,because it has error message like what I refered. But I really have no other ideas!Could you please have some ideas for this ?It’s very urgent.Thank you!!!

Kenny it seems you have set up the ID’s correctly. You may need to check the certs that you have in place for the partner. Did you exchange the correct public keys and are they valid. Did you attach them correctly to the Partner’s profile.

Have the partner send it to you as plain rather than signed or signed and encrypted. If it works as plain then you know the problem has to do with the certs. Then work your way through, send as encrypted and see if that works. Then have them sign and encrypt it.

This should identify where your issue is.

Good Luck.

Thank you for your great help.I could process the edidata now following your advice.But i have another problem.Can I process the multiple transaction set data separately using my own processing rule by setting the type to X12 4010 856?I meant how can I separate the multiple STs?It had errors when I wanted to set type to X12 4010 856.
Thanks a lot!

See the X12ToValues service in the wmEDISamples package. It assumes your rule is set to trigger on the X12 Envelope and not at the Transaction Set level. That’s the approach I took in my development.
That sample will point you in the right direction, you can acutally copy it and use it if you like as all the necessary processing is already coded for you.


Thank you Chris.It works well !

Hi Chris!
I have another question when we wanted to do further testing with trading partner.Our TNs and Partner’s Cyclone are exchanging signed and encrypted documents.The issue is why TNs cann’t receive from Cyclone but Cyclone can receive from TNs.
I don’t know how to exchange public key with our partner because Cyclone uses .cer certificate and TNs use .der certificate.
Your helps will be appreciated!!

If I remember correctly I think you need the Certificate Toolkit from webMethods to convert from cer to der.
You can try just renaming it first to see if that works. If it doesn’t call tech support and request the Certificate Toolkit.


Yes.I used Certificate Toolkit convert cer to der, it could work.It can’t work if renaming it.But Cyclone only identify cer certificate,TNs fail to decrypt from Cyclone.I’m so sorry for the basic question.


I’m confused. Isn’t your partner the one using Cyclone? If that’s the case then send your Partner the key in .cer format but you need to load it into TN in .der format.

Let me know if I’m on the right track.

cer and der are both binary-encoded x.509 certs. pem is a base-64 encoded x.509 cert. cer and der are the exact same format, with the exception that cer files might include more than one cert (the whole chain, for instance). If the cer file only contains the public cert, you can simply rename it. Another good tool for manipulating certs is openssl: In addition, in Windows you can simply double-click on the der/cer cert and examine its contents and trust chain with a nice GUI interface.

Good info Tate. Kenny: adding to that, here’s an openssl command to transform a base-64 text PEM certificate (called ‘cert.pem’ in the example below) to a DER format (‘cert.der’)

openssl x509 -inform PEM –in cert.pem -outform DER –out cert.der

To do this on Windows, one can install OpenSSL on Windows as part of the Cygwin toolkit.
(choose the ‘Install Cygwin now’ button on the top right; when running setup, ensure ‘openssl’ is chosen in your package selection)

Hi Chris,
Yes,our partner is using Cyclone.I did want to send partner the key in .cer format ,but I just have .der from TN.Maybe I should try some tool like openssl.Thank you.

Hi Tate and Sonam,
Thanks from your information.I’ll try.

Just rename it and send it.

I personally have used (for Windows): Active State Perl 5.6, openssl 0.9.7c for work with these file formats.