How to remove a flow service using Deployer?

Here is the problem I’m facing:
I deployed a package P with a bunch of flow services in it from our test IS server A to test IS server B. They both have same versions for IS and all the other packages.
Now from test server A, we removed a flow service from package P, as it was not needed. Now, in order to deploy this change, I selected the entire folder from which this service was removed assuming that deployer would replicate the folder on test server B. But the flow service was not removed from test server B.
Can someone please help explain how this can be achieved?


Selecting the entire folder is equivalent to selecting all the services… It will not delete anything additional in the target system… You got to create a deletion set to remove the service that is not required… If you deploy the entire package, the existing package will be replaced by the newer package, but which is not a good thing all the time when you move from QA to Prod… So create deletion set… Refer Deployer Guide for more details on how to create it…


Are you using the same project or new project after deletion?

If you update the same project did you rebuild it?


Thanks Senthil…I need to look into the deployer guide. Thanks for providing the direction. I wasn’t aware about this functionality. I will look into it.


Thanks RMG!

Yes, I did the re-build. But as Senthil suggested, I need to create a deletion set and try to see if it deletes the flow service.
I will post the outcome.


Did you redeployed whole folder and it did not worked?..wondering why that wouldn’t replace/overwrite…Any errors/warnings in the deployment report?


I just created a ‘Deletion’ set as Senthil suggested but I still see that flow service on test server B after doing the deployment. Every time I try to re-load that package from Designer/Developer, it throws an error showing its already locked or in a process of reloading…I’m not ure if this has something to do with the deletion. I ‘Unlocked’ the entire package but still I get the same error.


If P package in IS A and B is same, I would prefer using package publishing instead of deployer.

What is your IS version 8.x?..Also is your A and B server package structure/code are common package?


You have flow1 to be deleted from IS B and IS A. where IS is your dev and IS B is test.

STEPS to be followed -

  1. Don’t delete the flow1 from IS A, (if already deleted ,create an empty service with the same namespace)

  2. Now in the deletion set, select the source as IS A, and select the flow1.

  3. Now select the target as IS B in the deletion set.

  4. DEPLOY the deletion set.

  5. Now, you can delete the flow1 service from IS A (manually)

NOTE: The deletion of flow1 from IS A, must be done AFTER the deployment.

Please let me know, if you have done the same and still not working.



We are currently using the latest IS version which is 8.2.2
The server A and B package structure is not common from where I’m trying to delete the flow service. I have never created a deletion set and am wondering as to how it works. What I mean is, when I create a deletion set from Server A, do I need the service/folder that needs to be deleted in server A? Also, when I deploy it to server B, does it also delete the server/folder from server A?
I tried to see in the documentation but couldn’t really find satisfying answers.


Thanks Naidu.
Yeah, the flow1 was deleted from server A to begin with. But then I recreated that service in server A. I followed the same steps to create the deletion set as you have mentioned but it still did not delete the flow service from server B.
Please let me know your thoughts.


Hi namhoon,

I’m not sure how this can be done by package publishing…can you please provide some more information regarding that?


First how did you delete the service from the folder of server A …manually right?

Is the package/folder/structure hierarchy same on server B?

Please upload some screen shots A and B showing expanded view from Developer/Designer,so some one here can assist you in the right direction:


Key points -

  1. You can create deletion set for the services - whose package structure or namespace of the service must very same)

Why ? - If you observe, we will be selecting the service from the Source server only, and not in the target server. This clearly states that - the service(in target server) having same namespace as of the service(source server) will be deleted.

 Here we are not selecting any service from the target server directly - This says, the package structure must be very same between source and target servers.
  1. As RMG suggested, pls upload the screen shots of the deployer - deployment set

  2. Developer screen shots of the tow IS packages and service highlighted.


Yes Naidu brought up a very valid points…and screen shots should help assist:

Thanks RMG for all your help in this.
I got the deletion process working. I tried the whole thing again by following the exact steps and it worked.

Thanks Naidu for all your help in this.
I got the deletion process working. I tried the whole thing again by following the exact steps and it worked.
I would have uploaded the screen shots but I guess there was something wrong in what I was doing. I followed the exact steps as shown in documentation all over again and it worked.


Gald to hear that it worked out:

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