I have one requeriment, in one portlet I need to Agree one control "File Input" for Upload one Archive to Server. I does insert the control "File Input" and "File Item" but I don't know what is the next step.
Can you help me at one example of attachment files (Link, code or other)?
Have you had the chance to search this forum for “Attachments”? There are quite a few articles discussing various use cases regarding Attachment handling. I would hope that you could extract some useful information from those existing articles.
Thanks for your support, I can do one class in Java with some methods, but the portlet don´t made nothing. Can you tell me how invoke this code from one assync buttom please.
Applied I the steps of the tutorial, but in the moment at execute it portlet request this error, that can I do for resolved?
Other cuestion, I work in version webMethods 8.0 and in the moment of drag and drop the service in Designer not can I obtein the same window that tutorial, can this affect??
I can resolved it problem thanks and can I see that the service made one folder for the archives in the path of MWS. Only one question more: How can I especify the folder than I want to use for files which attachment?
At this point i would recommend using Google to find some java code to create a file on the file system and then copy the contents of the FileItem to that newly created java.io.File object.